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Lost my Start Menu

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    Lost my Start Menu

    Hello, post number 1. Sorry for the 'dumbness', I'm new to all this Linux stuff, but thoroughly enjoying it.

    I was fiddling the other day, I wanted to create, what you'd call in Windows, a new Program Group. I can't exactly remember what I did now as it's a few days later, but I've lost my Start Menu. All I have is 'Favourites', 'Computer', Run and Leave. I've lost all my programs & program groups.

    Can anyone help?

    With thanks.

    Originally posted by 10gallons View Post
    I can't exactly remember what I did now as it's a few days later
    That's not much to go with, but kmenueditor saves user configurations in ~/.config/menus/ (that is /home/<username>/.config/menus/)
    ... deleting the .menu files in there should restore the menu to defaults.
    rm ~/.config/menus/*.menu


      Yes, sorry, the information was a bit sparse.

      I'm running Kubuntu 13.10. I was trying to create a new program group so I could put links to all the extra apps i've installed in it. When I went back to my menu, I noticed I only had the menu listings mentioned above.

      I went into .config/menus and all there was was a txt file. I deleted that, rebooted and no difference. Now there's nothing in that folder and my menu hasn't changed.

      Thanks for any help.


        #4 might also try clearing the files in ~/.local/share/applications (you can move them out to a "backup" location instead of deleting, so you can move them back if that does not help)

        Also, which "start menu" widget are you using (there are quite a few available, and I have no idea which is currently used by default on kubuntu), just to make sure there aren't any widget specific kinks that might cause the issue.


          The regular 'Start' menus are Plasma-Widgets and can as such be placed and removed.

          The Nuclear option to restore to a default desktop is by removing the ~/.kde directory.
          A more prudent option and easy to revert is to rename this ~/.kde directory and reboot.

