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Whats the BIg Fuss

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    Whats the BIg Fuss

    Tried the new cd on several machines and no success
    my own laptop IBM a31 no Joy
    my own desktop dell 500sc web server no joy
    my own old dell gx110 no joy

    laptop p4 xp sp2 1 gb ram hangs hangs hangs
    desktop xp4p sp2 2 gb ram ne nvidia card ati turned offf in o/s and in bios
    old dell XPgx110 sp1 256 ram hang hangs and hangs
    no usb's no extra hardware connect to wirless devices

    about to Gve up can anyone help as I would love to move from windows particulary on my Dell 500 sc web server.

    the magazine is way out or order on the ease of use it describes

    Sorry but I know nothing about LInus/UNix and would like to I am 58 years of age and I think it time to move over afetr a lifetimje of windows grief please please help

    Re: Whats the BIg Fuss

    Didn't work on three different computers? Sounds as if something's wrong with the CD.

    Did you follow these instructions?
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Whats the BIg Fuss

      yeah beleive it or not it took me five times downloading the iso before i got one that wasnt corrupt some times downloading can suck. i agree with aysiu


        Re: Whats the BIg Fuss


        order it from only takes a few weeks


          Re: Whats the BIg Fuss

          hey Thanks to all you guys
          The cd is fine, it boots ok but run kubuntu in any mode just hangs and hangs
          once I got as far as loading the kernel and it stopped forever on at 100 %.

          I guess it is something to do with hardware...
          How do I figure this out..well I have successfully installed it on my work pc alongside WinXP it booted fine and installed on on a second 160 gb hard drive
          Network and Internet working fine thru proxy server. looking forward to exploring and experiencing the new O/S

          on the Dell 500 sc web server it would have been fantastic as I could have given my sons an account on the server separate to the windows installation drive.

          at the moment they use shared drive/folder with permissions in windows and thier own ext hard disk.
          they also save to my wwwroot folder.

          I tried to disable practically everything in bios except that which is required for the o/s to work and boot. It a bog standard pc except I have disabled the ATI grafix and have installed my own Nvidia card gforce 4 mx 4000. it pop grafix up at blistering refresh rate and web cam is a dream to use. It could be this.
          Hey guys look forward to posts and contact as I go alaong with this and become a kUBUNTU GURU LIKE YOU FELLOWS.. THANKS

