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Partition Question

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    Partition Question

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to Linux. I've played around with some other distros in the past on older machines, but when my Windows box went haywire again 2 months ago, I decided I'd had enough and installed Kubuntu. I've been able to figure most of my problems out by checking docs and trolling the forums but I'm a little impatient on this one.

    Before I installed Kubuntu, I copied all of my docs, videos, pictures, etc. to a second hard drive thinking that after I'd installed Kubuntu, I'd simply copy them over. The one thing I forgot to check was the filesystem of the 2nd drive. Of course it was NTFS which has caused me countless hours of headaches. Today I finally got it mounted correctly and was able to access it. I've moved all of the files I want off of it and now would like to repartition and format as ext3. After that I would like to move my /home directory to the second drive.

    I am using Qtparted and have successfully created a new partition using all available space on the drive, however when I choose to format it as ext3, everything appears to be fine, but I'm left with the drive still showing "unknown" for a filesystem. What am I missing here?

    My second question is: When I do get this thing formatted how do I go about moving the /home directory to the second drive? Can I simply drag n drop the folder in Konqueror or do I need to edit fstab?

    Thanks in advance!

    Re: Partition Question

    While i cant recomends a replacement to qtparted i recomend you look for one because its outdated and is horribly buggy. I'll look and see if there is a decient partiioner and get back to you. that should slove the problem unless i missed somthing.

    obtw: i'll say the obvouse. are you ok with the command line if so use cfdisk that may work but i'll keep looking for a gui partioner.


      Re: Partition Question

      Actually I am trying to learn to work from the command line whenever I can. I'm old enough that I grew up with DOS so I can appreciate the power of working directly from the command line. I'll try cfdisk and see what I can do. Thanks!


        Re: Partition Question

        Ok cool just make sure you post the results ether postive or nagtive so that if you still need help we can help.


          Re: Partition Question

          If you want a gui partitioner, I use the latest gparted live CD and found it very useful


            Re: Partition Question

            OK, I played around with cfdisk and couldn't get anywhere. Admittedly, I've been busy the last couple of days, so I probably just didn't put enough time into it. I tried gparted and managed to get the disk formatted as ext3. Now I need to move my /home folder to this disk. Should I simply rename my home folder and then remount the 2nd disk as /home and then copy the contents of my current home folder over? Or is there an easier way to do this?

            Thanks so much for your help!


              Re: Partition Question

              No - its not quite that simple. Luckily one of the most experienced people on this forum wrote a guide.


