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Taskbar moved

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    Taskbar moved

    Last week I erased my windows partition and installed Kbuntu 12.04. I am a first time Linux user and after messing things up 3 times which required reinstalling Kbuntu everything is looking pretty good. I have installed Firefox and Thunderbird. I can access all my old windows data files and all Libre Office programs work just fine. My Epson printer is working over the Ethernet and I'm feeling good except for one thing. Somehow I did something and the Task Bar that was originally on the right side of my desktop is now all the way left up against the Kickoff Application. I've read the Plasma Help file and reviewed the setup settings for the Task bar but can not see an option to move it right or left. Possibly I'm missing something but this is bugging me so I broke down and am asking for help. My appreciation in advance. Charlie

    Charlie Reference Data:
    Kbuntu 12.04 LTS (32 bit) installed as only operating system from a download and img CD.
    KDE version: 4.8.5
    Grub version: 0.97-29Ubuntu66

    Processor 2,60 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core
    Graphics Processor Unit: (lspci | grep aphic command in Konsole did not return anything) but I have NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 [Display Adaptor]
    RAM Installed: 2 GB
    HD Internal: 2 160 GB originally formatted as: C:\ 160GB; D:\ 75GB & E:\ 75GB. After killing windows XP on C:\ by formatting I installed Kbuntu 12.04 (3 times as I made mistakes) these two physical drives are now formatted as:
    /dev/sada1 - 147.11 Gib ext4 (Kubuntu)
    /dev/sda2 - 1.94 Gib extended (I think this was a swap drive on my original Kbuntu install)
    /dev/sda5 - 1.94 Gib Linux swap

    /dev/sdab1 - 75.19 Gib ntfs (My original D:\Data drive in windows and all my windows files.
    /dev/sdab2 – 73.85 Gib ntfs (My original E:\Backup for windows files.

    Optical Drives: One CD drive ATAPI DVD A DH20A4P (Optical Drive)

    Thursday Morning March 13, 2014 Update. This morning while reading email the Thunderbird Menu quit working and the emoticons became unresponsive. Everything else worked. I started Thunderbird in safe mode and got the same response. I deleted Thunderbird. Rebooted. Installed Thunderbird again and rebooted once more. The Task Bar had moved back to the right side of the desktop!!! The digital Clock is now in the center of the desktop. This is what drives new users insane. I am not going to quit using Kbuntu but I would still like to know how the Task Bar moved in the first place and how to move it if I want to.
    Last edited by Charlie; Mar 13, 2014, 07:40 AM. Reason: Task Bar Moved on reboot

    You have your taskbar on your desktop?

    Thunderbird isn't a KDE or QT application. It could be causing some problems, but if you've taken your widgets off the panel on put them on the desktop I can't imagine what that would look like.

    A screenshot of the problem would help...

    Please Read Me


      Re-reading your post makes me think maybe there's a "terminology" gap.

      On the default Kubuntu desktop, there's a panel on the bottom. In this panel are widgets. The default widgets include Kmenu, Task Manager, Clock, System Tray and a few others. The panel is really just a container widget that holds the other widgets.

      So is your panel moving about or are your widgets moving about or some combination of both? I seem to recall in my experience with 12.04 the panel was too easily messed up and required constant re-alignment for unknown reasons. You need to right-click on your desktop and "Unlock Widgets" then you can grab and move the panel widget and the others within the panel.

      You might consider adding the backports PPA to your install and upgrading to the newest version of KDE. I think for 12.04 it's 4.11.

      I am also curious as to how (and why) you got a four year old version of grub installed instead of the one that comes on the default Kubuntu 12.04 install.
      Last edited by oshunluvr; Mar 13, 2014, 01:15 PM.

      Please Read Me


        There is definately a terminology Gap. I was indeed speaking of the panel at the bottom of my desktop. At least I got the correct termonolgy for Task Bar. I under stand that Thunderbird is not a KDE application but I have been using it for at least 4 years on my old windows machine which no longer exists. Like I said I installed Kbuntu last week and that's the sum total of my experience with any Linux system. Because I am very new to this and the termonolgy I am going very slow. But you gave me the answer I was looking for concerning the widgets on the panel "right click on desktop and unlock widgets then you can grab and move the panel widget and the others within the panel."

        I need to read up on backports PPA to find out just what it is and what it does. As for the four old version of grub I too have no idea. I followed the instructions for including information for software and hardware but it is possible that I made an error. I will look into this, redo the commands to retrieve this information - it will be a good exercise for me anyway. I will also check into the KDE upgrade that you sugggested.

        I thank you kindly for your comments - now I have some learning to do.


          Originally posted by Charlie View Post
          now I have some learning to do.
          as we all did (and still do), trust me. Welcome to Linux.

          Backports is basically versions of newer software made to work on older versions of the OS.

          So backports for 12.04 will allow some newer KDE, kernel, and other programs to be installed on 12.04. The backports become available as a newer release is created. I'm using 13.10 so there's no backports yet. Next month soon after 14.04 comes out there will be.

          Unless you already had grub on your drive or installed an old version first, you should have grub 1.99 or higher. If you open Muon, I suspect you'll see "grub (Legacy version)" installed instead of grub-common. The newer version is real stable and easier to use.

          Please Read Me



            Well I wanted to thank you for your input. This has been a busy two days as I had to stop everything and fix a water leak yesterday, life is exciting. To update what I have found/done I said earlier that when I reinstalled Thunder bird & rebooted the widgets in panel realigned properly. I and after reading your advice about clicking on the desk top and selecting “Unlock Widgets” I did that and discovered that they were already unlocked. I suspect that may have been the source of my delima over the moved widgets. I now have them locked.

            I began reading about the other things that you mentioned, Backports, the older versions of Grub and KDE but in truth I have spent all day off and on reading and too often getting sidetracked to another subject. I chose Kbuntu 12.04 LTS i386 because I wanted to be sure I had a LTS package and I was unsure that my 2 GiB of Ram would run the AMD 64 bit version. (Although I have 2 GiB of Ram as we all know not all of that is really available)

            So in reality I think my original question is answered and wishing not to abuse your kindness I am going to slowly think about the other things you mentioned along with other issues that I have discovered today. After all I started in this game back when we had keypunch machines and card readers but now I'm aging rapidly and need to go carefully. I will repost under another heading when my next question arises.

            Thanks again.



              Originally posted by Charlie View Post
              ...After all I started in this game back when we had keypunch machines and card readers but now I'm aging rapidly and need to go carefully. I will repost under another heading when my next question arises.
              I too started in 1976 punching cards programming in Fortran4 with WATFIV. Ah, the memories! "Abuse" isn't in the picture - I don't have almost 6000 posts for nothing...

              ...Always good forum etiquette to start new threads for new topics. Welcome to Kubuntu, KFN and Linux in general.

              Please Read Me

