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problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

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    problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

    hi there,

    I am a linux esp. Kubuntu NewBie. Here my problem:
    I have a mp3-Player Hard-disk Player with 20GB from Thomson.
    The connection to the PC is no problem. The player is beeing recognized as usb disk via 10 - 15 seconds.
    In the media player I can easily create the playlist. But if I click the play button the player jumps in 30 second-steps all across the playlist until its end and stops. No sound is played.
    What is wrong, what do I have to do? 

    Thanx for your help in advance

    Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

    <ubotu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can:

    That's straight from the bot on IRC. You should read those URL's and follow what they say and you should get mp3's working.


      Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

      <ubotu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information:  -  See also  -  But please use free formats if you can:

      That's straight from the bot on IRC.  You should read those URL's and follow what they say and you should get mp3's working.There is a problem with that... The following do not show in the Adept Manager Package List for Kubuntu 6.06:

      The only one on the list of requirements that shows (and I installed) is libarts1-mpeglib

      Any hints on where and how to get those four packages into my Adept Manager Package list and so into my system will be very much appreciated.

      PS: One of the links suggested by Hawkwind (Awesome screen name, is it for the Band?) suggests to use Ogg Vorbis. Nice.... but what if you already have 50+ GiB of MP3s on your HDD?
      Does it follow that I reject all authority? Perish the thought! In the matter of boots, I defer to the authority of the bootmaker. <br /> -Mikhail Bakunin-, &quot;God and the State&quot;


        Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

        You must first enable Universe and Multiverse repositories. Either look more closely at under the "Before You Start" section, or see this page



          Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

          Thank you Josh, you were right: a more careful read gave me the Universe and Multiverse repositories and the Canonical Comercial repositories. In turn, that gave me the libxine-extracodecs, libarts1-xine and the libakode2-mpeg packages, all of which installed fast and without issue... but there is one still missing from the list: win32codecs
          Another friendly push in the right direction please?
          Does it follow that I reject all authority? Perish the thought! In the matter of boots, I defer to the authority of the bootmaker. <br /> -Mikhail Bakunin-, &quot;God and the State&quot;


            Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

            I'm not positive, but I think it is in one of these repositories.

            deb dapper free non-free
            deb-src dapper free non-free

            I just noticed that I posted the same link twice. My bad. The second one was supposed to be this one...

            You can manually add repositories to your /ect/apt/sources.list, but I would highly recommend just following the directions on the psychocats page; this will ensure that you can get a wide variety of popular packages.

            Make sure you are searching for w32codecs, not win32codecs.



              Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

              Has instructions for downloading and installing the w32codecs.

              You can download it directly from here (in case you don't want to add an extra repository for just one file):
              The filename is: w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb
              Then right-click on the .deb file in Konqueror and choose "Kubuntu Package Menu" > "Install Package".
              Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

                Now a real challenge! How would an utter newbie like myself get Amarok to play MP3s and WMAs...without an internet connection? I can download the libxine-extracodecs package and bring it home on a memory stick, no hassle, except that the list of dependencies and dependencies' dependencies is daunting. Is there any one "meta-package" I could download that has the lot?


                  Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

                  Originally posted by red van man
                  Now a real challenge!  How would an utter newbie like myself get Amarok to play MP3s and WMAs...without an internet connection?  I can download  the libxine-extracodecs package and bring it home on a memory stick, no hassle, except that the list of dependencies and dependencies' dependencies is daunting.  Is there any one "meta-package" I could download that has the lot?
                  Actually just downloading and memory sticking them should be enough...if I remember correctly they don't need any extra depencies (that aren't already installed that is)


                    Re: problems with mp3 player and amarok/kaffeine/...

                    I installed automatix and got all the codecs necessary for MP3 playing. Intimidating but actually pretty simple.
                    Does it follow that I reject all authority? Perish the thought! In the matter of boots, I defer to the authority of the bootmaker. <br /> -Mikhail Bakunin-, &quot;God and the State&quot;

