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kubuntu freezing

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    kubuntu freezing

    for some reason kubuntu has been freezing on me. I can use the mouse but when I click on something nothing happens. Then I'll come back a few hours later and the application I was truying to use is working. I don;t have much going. Usually just one thing. It's made kubuntu unusable. Thanks

    if you can get a terminal open run "top" and (1)see if anything is eating up the CPU (2) if RAM is all used can post the output @hear if you can.

    and run "df -h" and see if / is almost full.

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Other tools to watch the computer are the System monitor that opens up by pressing Ctrl+Esc or by running the more complete version known as KSysGuard from the menu.
      Top is a great tool, htop is a more complete version.

      Have during such a lock-up a look at the HD light if it shows activity.

      A question, your mouse is moving but you can't click on anything, are you still able to use the keyboard like Alt-Tab?


        I checked. My hd is only 34% full. I ran top and I only had firefox and thunderbird and they were using very little resourses. I opened up ksysguard and it showed that I was only using less than 10% of resourses. I can't say if the keyboard is working because I didn't know what to try. My linux skills are so rusty. I used gentoo for five years but that was about three years ago. I have only had windows until I installed kubuntu. I will try to remember alt tab. Thanks


          Which Kubuntu release are you running?


            I would note the time the freeze occurs, and then when you get control back, look at the output of dmesg and see what's reported during that time.

            Please Read Me

