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Partition problems

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    Partition problems

    I've got a problem with creating a partition from some unallocated space on my harddrive. This is the first time i run kubuntu or debian-based at all, so I might sound kinda newbish :-)

    Okay, when I installed kubuntu I deleted all partitions on the harddrive that I was going to boot from(except from my windowspartition). I created /, /home and swap from the free space. Then I thought that I'll make a partition of the remaining space when I got the OS up n' running. So, the installation went smoothly and kubuntu works well.

    So now I want to create a partition of the remaining space. I first tried with gparted, but when I click on the free space and then on "New" i get the message:

    "It is not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions

    If you want more partitions you should first create an extended partition. Such a partition can contain other partitions."

    What to do about that? I also tried qtparted, but there I'm not even allowed to click on "Create" in the menu.

    Could someone tell me how to solve this? Thanks

    Re: Partition problems

    Well, as error messages go - this is a very informative message. You have 4 primary partitions on your hard drive and you can't create any more. An extended partition counts as a primary partition so that is your problem. By far the easiest thing to do is to wipe your kubuntu partitions, then create an extended partition big enough for kubuntu, then create your kubuntu partitions inside the extended partition, then, as you only have two primary partitions on the hard drive you can create new ones to fill up the drive. If you have loads of customisations and stuff in your /home drive you could try keeping that, lose the others, create the extended partition, create / and swap inside the extended partition, then copy the /home partition into the extended partition and delete it from outside.

    Unless you have a partition manager in windows, I would grab the GParted live CD and use that because you need to do all of this stuff without the partitions being mounted


      Re: Partition problems

      okay, thanks...
      I've just installed kubuntu, so perhaps the easiest way would be to reinstall and remake all partitions in the installation? I have no important stuff saved on the drive so that might be the easiest way...


        Re: Partition problems

        No - I don't think thats going to work. I'm not sure you can create an extended partition in the installer - so I think you have two options:

        1) Use the installer but only create swap and / - that will give you your /home directory on your / partition - no problem. that way you only have 3 partitions and you can create your separate partition for other stuff.

        2) Use a partition manager to create your partitions inside an extended partition (and also your extra partition at the same time if you want) - and then install onto the partitions you have created.

        Obligatory warning before messing with partitions - back up anything that you have on the computer first


          Re: Partition problems

          I didn't see your post before I already formatted the whole drive and recreated all partitions, and yes, it was possible to create an extended partition in the installer.
          Thank you for your help =)

