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GRUB rescue mode

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    GRUB rescue mode

    I'm installing Kubuntu 13.10 Saucy. Upon booting I get a 'grub rescue mode' screen, and I don't know what to do.

    I have an older computer. I have Windows 2000 on sda. On sdb I have a linux swap file, Xandros linux, and a large partition.
    I had Kubuntu 12.10 (Quantal), which I upgraded to 13.04 (Raring). Somehow I broke my home direectory. I could log on as guest, but guest is limited. I used guest to download 13.10 (Saucy) which I burned to DVD.
    The install from DVD placed the new 13.10 in a different partition, but upon boot, it loaded the older, broken version. I surmised a misplaced 'boot' flag.
    I took a 'nucular' option and removed the old Kubuntu partition and created a new one.

    GpartED returns - (excuse the formatting, I can't cut and paste)

    partition file sys size used unused flags
    /dev/sda fat32 28.62G 3.39G 25.32 boot lba

    /dev/sdb1 linux swap 502 mb
    /dev/sdb2 reiserfs 17.58G 14.24G 3.34G
    /dev/sdb3 ext4 47.81G 949.07Mb 46.89G boot
    /dev/sdb4 extended 48.61G
    /dev/sdb5 ext4 48.61G 4.24G 44.37
    I have moved the boot flag to each sdb3,4,5. and rebooted after each
    upon boot I get
    Error:flie '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found
    entering grub rescue mode
    grub rescue>
    Not knowing what to do, I have tried several commands, 'grub-install" " update-grub" "boot-repair" "sudo update-grub" all to no avail. I get 'unknown command "whateverI typed" '
    Wiser heads are no doubt chortling at my lack of knowledge.
    I've been limping along with W2000 for a few weeks, but now I cannot even get to that.
    What do I do?

    <rant> It shouldn't be this hard. I installed Corel Linux in 4 clicks, Xandros in about as many, but installing Kubuntu from a DVD has always been a several day experience. I'm angry, depressed, and about to look for the nearest Apple store. Kubuntu worked great, when it worked, but geez...</rant>


    Problem Solved

    First I went to
    where I found an overview of the situation that was actually understandable.
    Then I went to a web page whose link I didn't save and found this post by a person named Pavel. I reproduce it here in its entirety.
    Don't bother to run Ubuntu live CD. It's not difficult to repair GRUB from the rescue mode.
    Command: ls
    It will list all your drives and partitions, like:
    (hd0) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1)
    If you don't know your Ubuntu boot partition, check them one by one:
    ls (hd0,msdos2)/
    ls (hd0,msdos1)/
    When you hit the right one, you'll get a line mentioning "lost+found" and so on.
    Assuming (hd0,msdos2) is the right partition:
    set prefix=(hd0,2)/boot/grub
    set root=(hd0,2)
    insmod normal
    Now you'll be able to boot into Ubuntu. Once you do, execute the following commands:
    sudo update-grub
    sudo grub-install /dev/sda
    As I have two hard drives, I had to play with the last command, but it worked!
    Also, I don't pretend to understand much, if any, of this, but, worked!

