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Removing pre-installed applications

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    Removing pre-installed applications

    Which pre-installed applications are safe to remove. I have had to reinstall twice since yesterday, because I uninstalled the wrong program, and killed my system. I removed nothing except,
    like Kmail, Kontacts, Kalendar, Akegrator, I think that was all. None of that should have affected the OS files, but somehow in uninstalling those, it would make my system unbootable. I use other programs for those things, I don't see why I should keep them on my system, much less keep them updated when I'm not going to use them, especially since I'm charged for every mb downloaded. Except during certain hours, which is when I'm setting up updater to work, but I still don't think I need to keep them on my system if they can be removed.Is there a list of things not to uninstall or something I can go look at?

    In Muon, there is a dependencies tab that can tell you what is required, what will break and what it conflicts with.
    I do not personally use Kubuntu, but I'm the tech support for my daughter who does.


      you can allwayse check to see what removing something may do with apt-get like this using the -s switch

      vinny@vinny-HP-G62:~$ sudo apt-get -s remove kmail
      [sudo] password for vinny: 
      Reading package lists... Done
      Building dependency tree       
      Reading state information... Done
      The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
        create-resources firefox-globalmenu kdelibs5-dbg libclucene-core1 libclucene-shared1 libechonest2.0 libgraphicsmagick3 libjreen1 libkipi10
        libkwinactiveglutils1abi1 libkwinactivenvidiahack4 libmarblewidget15 libokularcore2abi1 libopencv-calib3d2.3 libopencv-core2.3 libopencv-features2d2.3
        libopencv-flann2.3 libopencv-highgui2.3 libopencv-imgproc2.3 libopencv-legacy2.3 libopencv-objdetect2.3 libopencv-video2.3 libqtweetlib1.0 libquazip1
        libxine1 libxine1-bin libxine1-ffmpeg libxine1-misc-plugins libxine1-plugins linux-headers-3.5.0-37 linux-headers-3.5.0-37-generic linux-headers-3.5.0-39
        linux-headers-3.5.0-39-generic linux-headers-3.5.0-40 linux-headers-3.5.0-40-generic linux-headers-3.5.0-41 linux-headers-3.5.0-41-generic
        linux-headers-3.5.0-42 linux-headers-3.5.0-42-generic linux-headers-3.5.0-44 linux-headers-3.5.0-44-generic wine-silverlight4-installer
      Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
      The following packages will be REMOVED:
        akregator kaddressbook kdepim-kresources kmail knotes kontact korganizer libeventviews4 libincidenceeditorsng4 libkdepim4 libksieveui4 libmailcommon4
        libmailimporter4 libmessagecomposer4 libmessageviewer4 libpimcommon4 libtemplateparser4
      0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 17 to remove and 4 not upgraded.
      Remv akregator [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1]
      Remv kaddressbook [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1]
      Remv kdepim-kresources [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1]
      Remv kmail [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmessagecomposer4:i386 ]
      Remv libmessagecomposer4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 ]
      Remv libmessageviewer4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 ]
      Remv libksieveui4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 ]
      Remv korganizer [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 ]
      Remv libpimcommon4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 libkdepim4:i386 ]
      Remv libmailimporter4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 libkdepim4:i386 ]
      Remv libincidenceeditorsng4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 libkdepim4:i386 ]
      Remv libeventviews4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 libkdepim4:i386 ]
      Remv kontact [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 libkdepim4:i386 ]
      Remv knotes [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 libkdepim4:i386 ]
      Remv libkdepim4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libmailcommon4:i386 libtemplateparser4:i386 ]
      Remv libmailcommon4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1] [libtemplateparser4:i386 ]
      Remv libtemplateparser4 [4:4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1]
      I dont see anything their that would prevent booting

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Before you take any of my advice please wait for an expert to correct me.

        I believe it all depends on your methods and usage of the OS. On my laptop I use for college, I keep everything very business like and have not removed or upgraded for that matter beyond the initial install of 12.04 LTS. My desktop PC is also running 12.04 LTS and I play some old MMOs and Windows games using WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator). One thing I had to purge was Pulse Audio as it conflicted with WINE and made it sound cruddy. Note I said "purged"? I used terminal window to purge the files which to my understanding is the best method to completely uninstall unwanted or unneeded materials.

        Updating or upgrading might re-install the files...

        Next in 12.04 LTS, under K launcher --> Applications --> System
        There are 2 programs Muon Package Manager and Muon Software Center. The Software Center seems to be "kid friendly" while the Package Manager is the one I use to look for updates and removal.

        Finally suggest using Ctrl+Esc to see what is actually running. Turn it off to see if it effects the system in a negative way, if not then proceed to purge. After all there is no harm leaving programs that are not used on the HD unless you are running on a tiny drive space.

        Also I download the complete ISO and burn it to CD or keep it on a USB drive. This assuming you don't request any updates none should download. Then your ISP cost is one and done.


          Removing kmail, kontact, and akregator do not affect any other applications:
          paul@tanagra:~$ sudo apt-get remove --simulate kmail kontact akregator
          [sudo] password for paul: 
          Reading package lists... Done
          Building dependency tree       
          Reading state information... Done
          The following packages will be REMOVED:
            akregator kmail kontact
          0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
          Remv akregator [4:4.12.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10~ppa3]
          Remv kmail [4:4.12.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10~ppa3]
          Remv kontact [4:4.12.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10~ppa3]
          So removing these would not result in a non-booting system. Something else must have been done.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            kubuntu-desktop minus

            At here, kubuntu-desktop (saucy), without these packages:

            plasma-netbook akregator amarok brltty colord-kde dragonplayer fonts-kacst-one fonts-khmeros-core fonts-lao fonts-lklug-sinhala fonts-nanum fonts-sil-abyssinica fonts-sil-padauk fonts-takao-pgothic fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-tibetan-machine jockey-kde kaddressbook kamera kamoso kde-config-tablet kde-config-touchpad kde-telepathy kmail kontact korganizer kpat kubuntu-firefox-installer kubuntu-settings-desktop kubuntu-settings-netbook kubuntu-web-shortcuts kwalletmanager laptop-detect libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress libreoffice-kde libreoffice-style-oxygen libreoffice-writer mobile-broadband-provider-info muon-discover plasma-widget-facebook plasma-widget-homerun plasma-widget-kimpanel plasma-widget-menubar plasma-widgets-addons quassel rekonq skanlite ttf-indic-fonts-core ttf-punjabi-fonts ubuntu-font-family ttf-wqy-microhei
            and seems to work without problems.

            Some parts are installed manually, kubuntu-settings-desktop, to prevent the installation of the depending packages.

            Note !
            I don't upgrade this (Saucy) to the next release (Trusty).
            A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
            Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


              Thanks for the replys. As I said earlier I did not see anything that would have broken thesystemm, but everything was working fine, I removed these packages, and bam it wouldn't rebood. (). I don't understand it, but it happened twice, nothing there, just wouldn't reboot, and I hedidedup having

