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Difference between kubuntu and xubuntu, whitch one should i choose?

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    Difference between kubuntu and xubuntu, whitch one should i choose?

    Hi all

    I'm totally new at linux and i need some help. Some time ago i tried to install arch alone but it wasn't good idea :P Now I want to start as people advice, it means start from ubuntu (or any variation of it). I read some articles about kubuntu and xubuntu and don't see difference, can you explain it to me? Witch system should i choose? I would like to:
    - use eclypse (c++ / python / java)
    - use GDB
    - use some android emulators
    - play team fortress 2 on steam

    My laptop specification:
    graphics: intel 3000
    processor: intel i5
    ram: 8GB
    HDD: 500 GB (25 GB free for linux), is there any option to resize another partitions without formatting?
    UEFI - BIOS, but now my computers starts with legacy boot (I dont get what exacly is UEFI)
    system: win8 v.8.0 x64

    Well, you know what we'll say, as we are somewhat biased here

    But to be honest, your system will have no problem running either one.

    Under the skin, both Kubuntu and Xubuntu are basically the same. On the visible side, Xubuntu is using the Xfce desktop, which is considered somewhat light weight in terms of resource usage and overall features. But it still is a fully functional and customizable environment.

    Kubuntu, using the KDE desktop, has more bling, features, and options to tweak and play with.

    I'd Suggest trying each one out, using the live CD/flash drive to get a feel of what they are both like.

    Sent from my DNA using Tapatalk, like that really matters


      Plainess is beautifull. Can you tell me how to install xubunty on my laptop? How should I handle that UEFI?


        There might be some other aspects to consider. Xfce, the desktop in Xubuntu (pronounced zoo-buntu), is based on Gtk+ 2, which is no longer in active development. Furthermore, development of Xfce itself appears to have stalled. The most recent releaese, 4.10, was issued 20 months ago. The dates on the 4.12 roadmap were removed 10 months ago. You can see some checkins in their Git repository, but these appear to be mostly minor bug fixes or translation updates.

        KDE is actively developed and is based on Qt, a more popular toolkit that's also cross-platform. If you're looking to acquire some development skills that have broad applicability, learning Qt would a valuable thing.

        Your hardware seems plenty powerful enough to handle KDE. Improvements in recent KDE versions have eliminated performance differences between this and other desktop environments. Claims that "KDE is bloated" are actually incorrect: KDE is the most modular of all the Linux desktops, in that you can more easily selectively choose which components to install.


          I had some contact with Qt and that's a good argument for kubuntu


            From a less technical standpoint, you may also prefer KDE if you're new to Linux because it's quite similar to Windows in terms of layout, which makes it easier to get stuff done straight away.

            I tried Xubuntu but didn't get on with it, Kubuntu seemed very familiar.

            Some people have even used my laptop for simple things (web browsing, mainly) without realising it's running "not windows", lol.



              So how to install Kubuntu on my machine? Really, I prefer to ask you than reinstall my system and loss my data and time.


                Links to downloads and installation instructions:


                  Ok, I will try to do it tomorrow and tell you if it works


                    Sorry for multi post but I want to bump. During installation process it didn't show real partitions, just entire disc as free space. I want to install kubuntu next to win8, not instead off. Any ideas?

