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I screwed up big time

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    I screwed up big time

    For some stupid reason I decided to install Wicd, instead of Network Manager. I just liked the way it looks. So I downloaded a copy of wicd, and NM, then did a apt-get, reinstall of NM, just to make sure I covered all the bases. Uninstalled NM, started to install Wicd, extracted it, read the "Read Me Install" file, followed the directions. The terminal throws out errors, "File not found", "file does not exist", "I hope someone can help me, I'm running Kubuntu 13.10, on an Acer laptop. I decided to install Wicd, I downloaded both Wicd, and a backup copy of Network Manager, and also a copy of Connman. NM, and Wicd are both debian.tar.gz, Connman is a .deb. I uninstalled NM, then Wicd would not intstall, neither would CM. Tried to reinstall NM no luck either.
    <garrett_> When trying NM, or Wicd, in terminal I always get, "file not found", "file does not exist", or "not a directory". or some other error about the files, and refuses to install. I even downloaded a copy of Connman, just as a backup, just in case thing. I try to install it, the Adept Installer opens, unpacks about half the files, then just stops, and says done, but connman is not installed.

    I have read and followed about 100 different "How-to's" and followed them exactly.

    tar xvzf PACKAGENAME.tar.g

    sudo make install

    That's what I've done so many times, I can't count them all. I've put the files in the "Home" folder, so I don't have to "CD" anywhere, unpacked the tar ball, read the "read me", followed the directions there, and it still won't find the files. the "./" gives a "unknown command", or "not directory stated", or "no destination given", or some other BS. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? And how to fix it?

    Sooo, why not install wicd using the package manager or apt-get?? Or at least download the deb file(s). There is no need to have to download and figure out how to compile from the source code (tar.gz file).

    Remember, look at the K(U)buntu versions mentioned in these articles you find, as well as the dates. Much out there is outdated chaff.

    These days, installing Wicd does not remove network manager, and vice versa, like it used to do. This way you never are without networking. You then remove the previous one after you have installed the new one.


      You probably don't have build-essential installed.

      As claydoh says, the best way to switch to wicd is to first install the 5 basic wicd packages (for both gui and cli) and then, ONLY AFTER you've installed wicd, purge networkmanager and its deamon.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        I tried installing through Software Manager, it would start installing, then just quit. I tried about 5 times. Then I moved to the Package Manager, same thing would start, then stop. Apt-get, couldn't find package, no matter what I did, no matter what I updated, or repository added, the terminal kept saying can't find file. So I move to the internet, searching mainly the Ubuntu Package site, Launchpad, and other "official" download sites. Couldn't find a deb file anywhere, for Wicd, or NM. I have installed a tar ball before, it was several months ago, I remember doing it, but not what it was. So I figured, might as well do it that way. So, yeah, I should have installed Wicd first, but the first time I tried installing Wicd, it gave me an error that NM needed to be uninstalled first, so I did. After that I couldn't get the file to restart the install. I got Wicd to start installing one time, and one time only, so I don't know what happened. But, I got frustrated last night and just did a reinstall, without formatting so I didn't lose any of my settings or anything else, just got NM back. I will be happy with NM from now on.

        Thanks for the replys


          What apt-get command did you use, exactly? Likey you just need the correct name of what to install. Exact commands and error messages will help us a lot here.

          Are you connected to the internet at so

          sudo apt-get-install network-manager

          Is what should install nm, depending on what exactly you uninstalled to begin with.

          Sent from my DNA using Tapatalk, like that really matters


            Once the original Wicd install failed, I had no internet at all. I plugged in an ethernet cable straight to the modem, bypassing the router, still no internet. At all. I used "sudo apt-get install wicd", "sudo apt-get install wicd meta", I think there was something else. When I reinstalled NM before starting on Wicd, I just did "sudo apt-get install networkk-manager", it worked. Before deciding to to go with Kubuntu, I tried Ultimate Edition Linux, which I liked, but my computer didn't have the right specs. But I noticed while using the live cd, that it had three different network type managers installed. There was NM, and Wicd, and another one I just don' remember what it was. But you could change back and forth just by clicking the radio button next to the one you want. If they can manage to keep three on one system, I don't understand why normal users can't just disable one, and enable the other, instead of having to uninstall the one you already have.

