I've been putzing around with this stupid adapter for 3 days now. Trying everything I've come across on all the different threads on all the different boards. I did, in fact get this silly thing to connect once, but other than that once, the best it does is see the router and hang on logging in. My dell inspirion logs in to the wireless router just fine. Both machines running Kubuntu 13.04 installed from the same CD.
So... I've been using the laptop, and I really like Kubuntu. Things are really looking up for the Linux world. And I REALLY want to come back. But I've got to have the tower working also (Gateway FX6801). The question here is...What brand/model wireless adapter will work 'out of the box' with Kubuntu? I just want to run to Walmart/Best Buy/Staples whatever, and come home with an adapter that I can plug in and have work...
Thanks Guys and Gals
So... I've been using the laptop, and I really like Kubuntu. Things are really looking up for the Linux world. And I REALLY want to come back. But I've got to have the tower working also (Gateway FX6801). The question here is...What brand/model wireless adapter will work 'out of the box' with Kubuntu? I just want to run to Walmart/Best Buy/Staples whatever, and come home with an adapter that I can plug in and have work...
Thanks Guys and Gals