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Which laptop to buy for out of box support

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    Which laptop to buy for out of box support

    My fujitsu amillo has just gone kaput after 4 years of full time service with long uptimes

    looking at budget priced laptops as a replacement
    the Toshiba C50 (i think its a satellite) looks tempting £300
    had a quick google and nothing jumps out at me as bad
    anyone shed any light on it or others to avoid or lean towards??

    not sure if ill be using 13.10 on it as i've been happy with 12.10 up til now

    any suggestions welcome

    and please dont beat on me for wrong forum

    Thanks for any input


    Both of mine are "old" but one of them.....

    I had "out of the box" support for both dual install and also single install and multiple install for:

    a) A Toshiba Satellite, older one, and could ALSO change out the hardware for memory and wireless card.

    b) A Sony Vaio.............the one that the latest James Bond has in the first movie on the sailboat! lol

    So you would have a certain ....cache' by having it! lol

    but, changing hardware on it is a little more obtuse, one has to remove the top of the keyboard.

    As to dual booting with UEFI on them I don't know, but that is addressed very well in other threads.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 13, 2013, 02:35 PM.


      Chrome Book or Acer are said to be good.
      Me? Run three older Macbook Pro, 32bit and 64bit.


        Absolute cutting/bleeding edge hardware may give you some issues, I recommend finding a slightly aging (a matter of a few months these days) new lappy at a reduced price, save yourself some money in the process.

        Check out this list, or conduct your own search using the tool.

        Edit: If it will run Ubuntu, it will certainly run Kubuntu
        Last edited by tek_heretik; Oct 13, 2013, 06:12 PM. Reason: Added final point


          Thanks for input guys

          its definately not bleeding edge and is just a budget model
          intel dual core
          intel HD graphics
          not sure on audio board but i bet onboard intel too
          wifi have a spare card
          lan on board

          I should hope all this works ok

          I've pre ordered it today and i'll be installing later
          so ill let you guys know


            Nothing wrong with Intel dual-core and Intel HD graphics and Intel audio. My Toshiba Satellite P105-S6147 (32-bit) is all onboard Intel and it works great with Kubuntu 13.10 (and all previous releases I've used). You won't be playing heavy graphics games, but otherwise, it's a solid platform.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              just to note that everything worked out of the box
              except uefi support
              turned that off and no problems
              all intel onboard
              and qualcomm atheros lan and wifi

              no problems

              thanks forum'ers




                  @keys84: we don't have a habit of routinely closing threads here at KFN. Someone else may find this thread and wish to ask you additional questions, or another member might purchase the same model and wish to report his/her experiences.

