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Adapter from multicard reader to usb

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    Adapter from multicard reader to usb

    As title says , is there such thing as adapter for multicard reader to usb . What has happened is this . I was given preaty decent dual core laptop with broken USB ports . Everything else works , and it would be nice to get some way for USB conection . Model is Acer Aspire 5517 .I did google it , but no luck . Also any suggestion are welcome. Right now I can acces all my stuff via Samba on my desktop so it is not really important , but it would be nice to be able to have laptop to carry to places and be able to hook up camera and cell phone to it download photos mostly .

    I've never heard of such an adapter.
    Have you tried if it's possible to boot up from the card reader?

    The only other option I see for removable starage is to replace the Optical Drive by a caddy with an extra HD.


      I can boot , i did restore to faactory settings too . It is just that i do not have working USB ports . The y are physically damaged . Thatswhy i amlooking for some weired adapter set up .


        If the laptop has a PCMCIA slot you can get a card for the slot that gives you USB ports.


          That PCMCIA or ExpressCard slot is missing on this device, it's a very basic piece of kit and not worth spending a lot of money on.
          Like this adapter that'll give you USB ports via the network:

          A NAS would do similar and my Fritz!Box (and other) modem also has a USB port.


            Sorry , no PCMCIA slot . Maybe i will just try to sell it and get a tablet or ebook reader .


              Or open the case and see if spending a little on some epoxy glue and a fine-tipped soldering iron could be a good investment.


                Actually , little plastic contacts are completely gone , just some pieces of wire are left . I have posted it on and someone is coming to get it tonight . There comes time when you just move on .
                I may get as much as 100 $ CDN and go do some grocery shopping instead , will get laptop another time .


                  Probably a good move, it was a crap computer to start with...

                  Success saving for a beter one, keep in mind for a nice experience Linux doesn't need the newest hardware.

