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It won't load after Yaboot

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    It won't load after Yaboot

    Hello again. Some of you may know me as the annoying person who gives poor descriptions of his network.

    Anyway, after giving up with sharing Internet from my MacBook to my big Powermac G5 tower. I finally got the drivers working, and decided to move it back to my office. I set it up, and turned it on. The Yaboot prompt showed up, so I typed in "Linux" like always. It did it's thing, and the screen showed "no signal" like always. Now, it's only supposed to show the "no signal" thing for a few seconds, but it never loaded the login screen. It just sat there, the login screen never showing up. I'm dual-booting OSX, so I booted into that to erase my hard drive and reinstall. After my HD is erased and reformatted, I put. My disk in and restart. I install Kubuntu (text based installer) onto my OWC Mercury Elite Pro firewire drive. I reboot and try again. It loads, flashes "no signal" and nothing changes. I dot this 2 more times, with the same results. I'm not sure why it isn't working. I installed a few weeks ago and it was working fine, on the same hard drive. I know the HD isn't broken, because the boot loader is installed on it. Can anybody help?

    Originally posted by Bozemanboy View Post
    Hello again. Some of you may know me as the annoying person who gives poor descriptions of his network.

    Anyway, after giving up with sharing Internet from my MacBook to my big Powermac G5 tower. I finally got the drivers working, and decided to move it back to my office. I set it up, and turned it on. The Yaboot prompt showed up, so I typed in "Linux" like always. It did it's thing, and the screen showed "no signal" like always. Now, it's only supposed to show the "no signal" thing for a few seconds, but it never loaded the login screen. It just sat there, the login screen never showing up. I'm dual-booting OSX, so I booted into that to erase my hard drive and reinstall. After my HD is erased and reformatted, I put. My disk in and restart. I install Kubuntu (text based installer) onto my OWC Mercury Elite Pro firewire drive. I reboot and try again. It loads, flashes "no signal" and nothing changes. I dot this 2 more times, with the same results. I'm not sure why it isn't working. I installed a few weeks ago and it was working fine, on the same hard drive. I know the HD isn't broken, because the boot loader is installed on it. Can anybody help?
    I don't know the solution to your problem. Never heard of or used Yaboot. Nevertheless, if you include which version of Kubuntu and KDE you are installing, it will help those who can help.

    Grub has always worked for me and I thought worked for every OS. Have you tried a normal installation allowing Kubuntu to choose your boot method? Perhaps it will serve your needs. One of the amazing things of Kubuntu is the developers ability to make applications that function well or better than the ones designed by their own application creators.

    When I left Windows, about 20 years ago, I seemed to resist the kubuntu method of operating. It did not take too long before the applications I bragged about and resented losing from Windows applications revealed their lesser capability to the applications created for Kubuntu. I am not talking about a Mac, Win, Kubuntu contest, I am just recommending that you try the basic installation of your kubuntu linux Operating System. OSX users, like Windows users are very loyal to their OS's. So are Kubuntu users. The difficulty is that many times Windows and OSX users want to make their Linux distribution work like what they are used to. Most prefer Kubuntu once they have used it enough to get familiar with the differences. I may be out of line here, because I don't even know how to solve your problem, but I have been using Kubuntu for about 20 years now; I currently have Win7 installed in dual-boot configuration for reasons too long to explain in the forum. But now that I have had an opportunity to use Windows 7 for a couple of months I am continually frustrated by its inability to do basic Kubuntu things. Wait time for installation procedures seem to take forever. I am continually having to protect myself from virus', spyware, and adware.

    Thankfully there are free and fine acting applications that can deal with the problems they create, but It is an activity that has to be attended to each and every day in Windows. For 20 years, I have never had a virus or spyware attack or adware attack that was not easily corrected by using built-in filters. I have never had to install virus protection due to no attack over the 20 years I have been using Kubuntu. I can only remember a couple of instances that I had to use the filter to block spyware or adware, so the benefit of just that feature of kubuntu is almost reason enough to move to kubuntu Operating Systems.

    Because manufacturers are resistant to making products compatible with Linux OS's, Kubuntu developers have done their work for them. And when the commercial manufacturers send out a pitch for the new and improved version of their system, for only 2/3 the cost of the original, Kubuntu users have been updated and upgraded to the cutting edge of their programs automatically in their daily updates. Kubuntu does not make almost-as-good applications; for the most part they make better, more intuitive, and configurable applications that are even better and more stable than their competition. And the only way you will find that out is, when installing a kubuntu Linux OS or compatible application, try it first the way it was developed. After a couple of weeks, if you want your current kubuntu application to behave more like your previous OS or Programs, make those changes then. I will be surprised and amazed if you will ever want to make your Kubuntu system behave more like the other systems. In fact most are just the basic features of kubuntu with the work done for you. If you want it to look and feel like a Mac, you can. If you want it to work like Windows you can.

    Avoid the traditional Kmenu offered in Kubuntu, the one that works more similar to other OS's, and install the newer desktop. Use it for a month, and then tell me you want to go back to the traditional way of doing things.

    If you read this and afterward wish it had not been included in the post, reply. I will edit out everyting but a brief reply. No more than a sentence or two. You just weren't getting any activity on your post, and I thought maybe it was for the reason I have eluded to.

    I was one of those Windows users that resisted the flow and went against the stream for a couple of years, before I really gave Kubuntu a chance. I guess I used it out of protest and because it was free. With a few years experience, I would pay a fee just to not have to change back. My Windows 7 version OS drives me nuts. I use it for the couple of things that Kubuntu can not yet do, but I cannot wait to restart and get back to my Kubuntu OS which can do hundreds of things that Windows can not do. You would not believe me that I am not a totally sold out Kubuntu user. I am always looking for something better. Where I am sold is on Linux. For me, the best and most versatile Operating System available today. Let me know if you want me to purge my comments.

