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Driver issues

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    Insteresting thing here, i've used my phone as a hotspot and i can succesfully browse the internet (albeit slowly) using an open hot spot but not with a wpa or wpa2 hot spot. My phone doesn't havethe option for WEP encryption...


      Viiny, here's my output, same as yours (sorry, i don't know how to put it in a box):

      mel@mel-desktop:~$ ndiswrapper -h
      install/manage Windows drivers for ndiswrapper

      usage: ndiswrapper OPTION
      -i inffile install driver described by 'inffile'
      -a devid driver use installed 'driver' for 'devid' (dangerous)
      -r driver remove 'driver'
      -l list installed drivers
      -m write configuration for modprobe
      -ma write module alias configuration for all devices
      -mi write module install configuration for all devices
      -v report version information

      where 'devid' is either PCIID or USBID of the form XXXX:XXXX,
      as reported by 'lspci -n' or 'lsusb' for the card

      I'm using win 7 64 bit.

      I have no idea if i've got -utils and -common, nor can i claim to have a clue of what this package manager is :3


        Originally posted by Tooky View Post

        I have no idea if i've got -utils and -common, nor can i claim to have a clue of what this package manager is :3
        LOL ,,,,,OK then , your package manager is caled "muon" and is where you can find thousands of programs made just for your system , you can find it in kickoff(the blue K in the bottom left of the panel on a default setup)> applications>system (use the muon package manager not the muon software centre ((you will get beter search results)) ) OR press alt+F2 and type muon and click the muon package manager that will be in the dropdown list.

        first things first , lets see if dpkg will list your install (I dont know if it will since you compiled and installed) copy and paste this in a terminal
        dpkg -l | grep ndiswrapper
        and see if you get somthing like this
        vinny@Vinnys-HP-G62:~$ dpkg -l | grep ndiswrapper
        ii  ndiswrapper-common                        1.57-1ubuntu1                                       Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper
        ii  ndiswrapper-utils-1.9                     1.57-1ubuntu1                                       Userspace utilities for the ndiswrapper Linux kernel module
        if you have both good if not we must get the missing part.

        Last edited by vinnywright; Aug 26, 2013, 04:42 PM.
        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Look's like i'm in luck:

          mel@mel-desktop:~$ dpkg -l | grep ndiswrapper
          ii  ndisgtk                               0.8.5-1ubuntu1                       amd64        graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers)
          ii  ndiswrapper-common                    1.58-0ubuntu1                        all          Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper
          ii  ndiswrapper-utils-1.9                 1.58-0ubuntu1                        amd64        Userspace utilities for the ndiswrapper Linux kernel module


            OK so reading over the post it would seam that you coped the driver files to a folder in your home ,,,,yes/no ?

            you then installed the somediver.inf from in that folder with
            ndiswrapper -i somediver.inf
            yes/no ?

            if yes to both the above and
            ndiswrapper -l
            is showing the driver as installed BUT you have not loaded the driver yet with
            sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
            (I dont think the driver should be loded befor you do the rest of it) then do in order
            ndiswrapper -m
            ndiswrapper -ma
            ndiswrapper -mi
            sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
            now you should not half to keep reloading the driver on each boot ,,,,,, but keep in mind ndiswrapper likes XP drivers best so if it keeps giving you trouble try finding the XP drivers for it , remove the curent driver and do it all over with the XP driver.

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

