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Video problem (again)

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    Video problem (again)

    Reinstalled Kubuntu last night after some odd problems I couldn't find solutions for.

    All was going well, until I tried to change my screensaver, and noticed that with Open GL screensavers, it would only display at the top of the screen. Seems to be a problem across all apps that use OpenGL - HERE is how it looks with Google Earth.

    graphics hardware is intel 845 integrated chipset with a 1024*768 native screen on a laptop, using i810 driver and generic flat panel 1024*768 monitor driver.

    Thanks in advance for help

    Re: Video problem (again)

    I posted something similar earlier in Dapper section. My OpenL Scrnsavers do the same thing. I happen to have an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900. Must be something with Intel. Can anybody please give us any ideas? Thanks!


      Re: Video problem (again)

      I also have this issue. I have been gathering a seriously large amount of forums help the last few hours and will reboot soon to try it all out. However, I can't find help on this.


        Re: Video problem (again)

        I've managed to find a ton of posts on here and Ubuntu forums regarding this problem, but none of the suggested fixes have helped....I'm guessing it's an unsolved. Bah. I Know there are drivers for Intel graphics available on the intel site, but it's a Suse package, and I've no idea what to do with it.


          Re: Video problem (again)

          Ok, after lots of reading on various linux sites, it seems many intel users have reported better results with the i915 driver rather than the i810. However, the i810 driver seems to be the only one officially present in Kubuntu. At Intel's site, they have the i915 driver available, and I've downloaded it, in both .RPM and tar.gz flavours, but due to my general lack of skill, I have no idea what to do with them.

          So basically, how do install this driver?


            Re: Video problem (again)

            I have done them same. I Read the ReadMe.txt file. It appears they give instructions on how to install, but they mention stoping the X-Server. I think I know how to do that by using the Kill command. What I don't know is if this can be done while logged into the KDE desktop. If not, how do you log into Kubuntu termial and do these procedures? Anyone out there? Help us! Thanks! See install section from ReadMe.txt below:

            ************************************************** **********
            *3.b RPM INSTRUCTIONS
            ************************************************** **********
            1. Ensure the X-server is not currently running.

            2. Go to the directory where you saved the driver package and type:
            a. rpm -i dri-Intel-3.4.3006-20051209.i386.rpm (32 bit Distributions and Kernels)

            Note: The console prompt will reappear in a few moments

            3. With 2.6 kernels it may be necessary to reboot for the changes to
            take effect. The installation procedure will tell you if this is necessary.


              Re: Video problem (again)

              You can start up into command promt (or whatever it's called) by starting in 'recovery mode' from guru....I presume there's an easier way than this (stopx maybe?)...

              I managed to install the driver, but it won't appear in the driver list for some reason. And I think I posted in your other thread in Dapper

              *edit* If you logout, and select 'console login' from the system menu, you get linux without X, it appears.

              And for some reason all my OpenGL stuff is working right now. I was messing with settings earlier, trying different monitor types, different Intel drivers etc, all to no avail (I can bring up the console command to repair xserver blindfolded now ), I repaired it all back to my original settings (i810, generic flat panel), and everything works. Woo.


                Re: Video problem (again)

                Yes, on my test system I learned real quick how to restore and manage my XORG.CONF file. I really don't want to go through that again unless it really is necessary, not self inflicted. This system is my production system and it is running really great except for this one part. I evidently don't kow how to use rpm. I was able to get to the console that appeared not to have X-Server running and followed Intel's instructions, but rpm didn't appear to like that command. I used rpm before for making my Dell 720 print driver from Lexmark's driver. They had great instructions and it went smoothly, so I don't know why Intel's isn't. Oh well. I'll eventually get it.


                  Re: Video problem (again)

                  OK. I think I know what my problem is. "rpm" is telling me that the files I un-GZed isn't an rpm package. So, do I have to create the rpm package? If I have to create it, how? I'm actually starting to get confused between TAR, RPM. Deb files I unerstand some what. I assume the other two are similar? Like I said, most other apps I've installed had great instructions and needed components/packages already there, so this is new to me.


                    Re: Video problem (again)

                    On the intel site there was an .rpm file and a .gz....I found a site via google (I can't find it again and I've cleared the cache, sorry) that had instructions for installing it...I couldn't get them to complete, but I did end up with a .deb file, which i installed with KPackage i think.

                    Basically, try again with the .rpm file?


                      Re: Video problem (again)

                      just to try and clarify a little source code is just that it has to be compiled DEB packages are pre-compiled binary packages of the type that Kubuntu and other Debian based systems use, RPM packages are again pre-compiled packages for Red Hat based systems. the simplest option is to install DEB's if available, If not you can install RPM's using a program from the repositories called Alien, it converts them to DEB's. Have you enabled all the repositories and added multiverse and added the commercial repository. If not do this first and you may find the driver pre-compiled.
                      If you do need to install from source or RPM's see the following links.



                      You will find clear instructions there.
                      Regards John.


                        Re: Video problem (again)

                        Thanks everyone. Found the RPM package. lready had "alien" installed. Everyhting appeared to go well. Even had the i915 driver listed. Tried using it and X-Server evidently does not like it. Froze my Slash screen. Luckily I've been there before and had it back to original. Unlike d3v1ant_0n3, my OpenGL screen savers still mis-behave, except KPendulum. Go figure. Oh well, I know in time that this will pobably have a solution. Thanks for everyone's help. I do appreciate it, and I am now clearer on RPM, DEB and the like.


                          Re: Video problem (again)

                          As it turns out, my problems haven't been completely solved :P

                          My screensavers do indeed work, but only when I lock the computer, or test them from the screensaver select screen...otherwise I just get a blank screen as a screensaver. As it is tho, I always lock the comp when I'm not at it, so it really isn't an issue.

                          I'm loving the fact that instead of just plain driving me insane like windoze problems do, when I encounter problems in linux, I actually have to learn things


                            Re: Video problem (again)

                            Same here. It isn't any big deal. I usually am not around when my screen saver kicks in any way. As for my complaint about M$and what I like about Kubuntu is I know I broke my system and I know how to get it un-broke. M$ you usually have to re-install. At least I always do, otherwise you get yourself further in a muck.


                              Re: Video problem (again)

                              Hi All
                              what version of KDE are you running, I'm running 3.5.4 and do not have a problem but I run ATI graphics if you are running an older version maybe installing 3.5.4 would help. See this post.


                              Regards John

