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delete config files for konsole

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    delete config files for konsole

    I want to delete the config files for konsole, so that the settings for it will revert back to the defaults. (Just to be sure, that's what deleting the config file does, right??)

    But I've had some trouble finding the config file(s).

    I've already looked in the following places but couldn't find them. (Actually, it turned out that the following folders didn't even exist.)

    I run Kubuntu 18.04 LTS.



      Originally posted by clay
      Beautiful. Thanks. By the way, what does the "rc" at the end stand for? I think I've seen it in other contexts before.

      Those are some awesome hardware specs (in your signature).
      I run Kubuntu 18.04 LTS.


        Originally posted by rybnik View Post
        Beautiful. Thanks. By the way, what does the "rc" at the end stand for? I think I've seen it in other contexts before.
        There is some debate, but any of these will fit: run commands, resource control run control, runtime configuration.

        Those are some awesome hardware specs (in your signature).
        I gotta update that, I haz a desktop now to keep the laptop from suffering separation anxiety :eek:


          Originally posted by claydoh
          I gotta update that, I haz a desktop now to keep the laptop from suffering separation anxiety
          So your laptop finally settled down with that desktop after going out to many a wild and crazy LAN party? Good times...
          I run Kubuntu 18.04 LTS.


            Oh no, if I went to lan parties or traveled, Lark the Dell laptop would not be lonely. As Jake the really really old Compaq laptop has retired, and Twit the old netbook just sits there (the lazy bugger!) Lark had developed a habit of scratching her USB ports and chewing her hard drive.

            A new router, with a backup drive connected to it, and even an ssd for the aging gal was not enough. So I adopted Gus the HP as well as the as-of-yet unnamed HTC. Being older as well, housebreaking Gus was not necessary. The HTC is still in training, but has not left me any stinky presents as of yet.
            Last edited by claydoh; Jul 10, 2013, 04:41 PM.


              So DOG stands for Debian Onto GNU? Or something? lol

              The dogs really do seem to take a liking to linux!
              I run Kubuntu 18.04 LTS.

