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Transfer music from/to iPhone

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    Transfer music from/to iPhone

    Hi guys,
    my names is Fabio and that's my first time with Kubuntu.
    First of all Thank you! Thanks for Your support and for the job you all do.

    I'm using Kubuntu 13.04 and I would know If I can manage my iphone 3gs with it. The most important thing is music: how transfer music from/to iphone.

    I got Rhythmbox and Gtkpod but I'm not able to transfer music.

    what can i do?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Welcome to the Forum!

    (This might be a little out of date as I gave my daughter my ipod when I got a Galaxy Note and all my music is now on that).

    I'm surprised that gtkpod doesn't work for you because, as its name suggests, it is specifically targeted at ipods.

    I think that whatever player you decide to use you will need the package libgpod4. Is it installed? Check in the muon package manager.

    Also, the default kde music player, Amarok, should work out of the box with quite a number of ipods, see here

    If you opt for Amarok connect your ipod and when the popup appears click the little icon on the right of the popup to "mount" it.

    Launch Amarok and in the left pane of the program you should see the ipod as a local collection.

    If you want to transfer from PC to ipod (or vice versa) right click on what you want to transfer and select "copy to collection".

    One point to note here, and its very important. If you transfer bewteen your PC and your Ipod before removing it you must "unmount" it (safely remove). To do this you need to click on the new device notifier icon in the taskbar to again show the popup I referred to above. Click on the little icon on the right of the pane, that will start the ipod synchronising (you will see it on the ipod screen) and when it's finished you can then disconnect. If you don't do this, at best the transfer will not take effect. At worst, the ipod databse will be corrupted which I think can only be fixed with iTunes.

    Hope this helps

    Last edited by The Liquidator; Jul 11, 2013, 06:36 AM. Reason: spelling


      Thanks for your answer.
      I installed the package libgpod4 and now I can see my iphone but there is still some problem.
      First, I can't transfer music from iphone to pc.
      Second, if I try to copy music from pc to iphone it shows me this error "Can't write iPod database because of missing HashInfo file".
      I'm using the player Clementine

      Thanks for your help


        On the clementine web-page

        It suggests that you will also need the package libimobiledevice installed for that particular model. If you haven't got that installed, do so, and I suspect that may well solve the problem. If it does, it will probably work for all the other music players as well.

        Good luck!


          thanks for your help but it doesn't work. I installed also the package libimobiledevice but it doesn't work. I renounce!

          Still thanks


            Okay, looking at my system - I have never sought ipod functionality on it as it's a recent installation, but 2 other interesting ipod-related packages are installed:


            Looking at the description in the muon package manager suggests that this may be needed for data transfer.

            Does that work at all?

            The only other thing I can suggest at this point is that some users on the internet have reported some success by reconnecting their ipods to itunes in windows (or Mac), disconnecting allowing them to synchronise and then trying again in linux. If these things don't work, then the problems beyond me I'm afraid.

