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installed kubuntu 13.04 but it did not shows up

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    installed kubuntu 13.04 but it did not shows up


    i have installed successfully kubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64 and at the end i pressed restart now as it says then black screen asked me to remove the disc then press enter but at this point the system freezes and nothing happened.

    so i had to press the restart button but the system goes directly to windows 7 and did not recognize kubuntu

    what should i do ??

    i have windows 7 x64 on c drive
    16gb ram
    1TB hdd ( 400gb c drive + 80gb kubuntu )
    MB: GA-Z77X-D3H gigabyte
    i did installed kubuntu and ubuntu on my old pc desktop with xp pro few years ago no problems

    I don't know how to help you yet, but I have a successful installation of Windows 7 and Kubuntu 13.04 in my computer.

    When your computer opens, is there an instruction to enter the "Boot" menu. If so, restart your computer and open the "Boot" menu. See if there is an option to open the Kubuntu installation. If there is, click on it and see if it opens. If you are able to boot to Kubuntu, you will at least confirm that the installation was successful. Then the problem becomes "why is it not presented in the boot menu?" 31 views is a lot of views without any response. My reply will move it up to the top of the list; others may read your problem, my reply, and have more input. This is a great forum and questions are answered relatively fast. I am basically trying to help the little I am able and get your post to the beginning again. Hope it helps.

    Originally posted by Sultan101 View Post

    i have installed successfully kubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64 and at the end i pressed restart now as it says then black screen asked me to remove the disc then press enter but at this point the system freezes and nothing happened.

    so i had to press the restart button but the system goes directly to windows 7 and did not recognize kubuntu

    what should i do ??

    i have windows 7 x64 on c drive
    16gb ram
    1TB hdd ( 400gb c drive + 80gb kubuntu )
    MB: GA-Z77X-D3H gigabyte
    i did installed kubuntu and ubuntu on my old pc desktop with xp pro few years ago no problems

