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Kickoff shortcut doesn't work afetr reboot

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    Kickoff shortcut doesn't work afetr reboot


    I set up new shortcut for kickoff launcher (metakey+s - since metakey does not work alone). I did it by simple right clik sub-meny->application launcher settings->shortcut.
    It worked immediately but after rebooting/power off, it stopped working. When I trying to change that again, the shortcut combination is there - just doesn't work...
    Do I have to do it as a root or maybe meta+s means something different...

    Many thanks for any reply
    Kubuntu 13.04 on Laptop Toshiba P300-20H, CPU: T3400 2.16Mhz intel dualcore, RAM: 2Gb, 2xHDD250Gb

    oh, I'm all alone out there...

    - knock, knock...
    - who's there?
    - kickoff, nasty kickoff!
    Kubuntu 13.04 on Laptop Toshiba P300-20H, CPU: T3400 2.16Mhz intel dualcore, RAM: 2Gb, 2xHDD250Gb


      When I tried Meta+s, I got a warning of a conflict with amarok "skip track", so I did Meta+z, and it has survived a log out and in again.

      I tried to find the file where the setting was stored; it seems to be in .kde/share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc, in section [plasma-desktop], key "activate widget 76". Maybe you could check that file for Meta+S.

      Regards, John Litte
      Regards, John Little


        It'll be disappointing for people who looking for a good solution, but: it's working now.
        No particular action has been taken, just keep updating system everyday and removing than setting-up shortcut again.

        Referring to Amarok: its been removed on the very beginning and replaced with clementine. No short cut conflict with Meta+s found at all. However, Your idea about Amarok config file, could be a good solution. Can't say at hits point.

        Thanks for tips guys :cool:
        Kubuntu 13.04 on Laptop Toshiba P300-20H, CPU: T3400 2.16Mhz intel dualcore, RAM: 2Gb, 2xHDD250Gb

