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kubuntu_12_04_64 and apps' file manager preferences

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    kubuntu_12_04_64 and apps' file manager preferences

    Our company just switched to kubuntu_12_04_64.
    Which is a great option overall. But. In the transition we lost somehow one of the most important options.

    Every time we open any app's file browser (ie: soffice, libreoffice, firefox, thunderbird) to open a file or insert a picture, we still get what it looks like the generic GTK file manager.

    This UI is simple still effective for what we need. But does not seem to have any visible preferences control.

    So, with the update, every time we open this generic file manager, it is defaulting to sort the files by ascending time. Instead of the previous descending time scheme.
    Which means now we have latest files out of view, at the very bottom of the UI, and we have to reorder the date column, every time as well, to find the latest files. Or scroll all the way down to hunt the latest files.

    Our system guys are stomped as well.
    - I tried changing the file manager under the Default Application KDE Control Module to various types no avail. The generic one always appears.
    - Also tried to force Thunderbird's ui.allow_platform_file_picker to false, and use a different file manager at least for emails, but even that one does not retain the descending time scheme.
    - I set the KDE file picker ui's preference to descending time. And so I tried for Dolphin and any other file manager I could find. But none of them seem to be affecting the "generic gtk" one.

    If we had this working before, Im sure we are just missing a setting somewhere.
    Any leads would be really appreciated..
    Last edited by Snowhog; Jun 20, 2013, 12:42 AM.

    Any chance you can post a screen shot? Most of us use few if any gtk apps. I have OpenOffice and Firefox on mine, but I don't see the behavior I think you're describing.

    Here, I can click on the column title and re-sort the file list however I want and the choice is retained

    Please Read Me


      Thanks for the reply.
      Indeed. Odd behaviour. We can click on the date column and change the order, but still lose that sorting every time we open any file picker UI.
      My guess is something else is enforcing it... somewhere.

      I tried attaching an image to the first post, but, for some reason it disappeared.
      Here's another one.


        This is the same on all your computers or just one? I'm using 13.04 at the moment, but I've never seen this before.

        Please Read Me


          Let me check....


            Are you running the liberoffice from the repos, or the latest from packages directly from Libreoffice?
            is the package libreoffice-kde installed, if you are using the ubuntu packages?

            The generic packages from LO do not have the KDE file picker, etc (or this is broken in their packages). Distros usually have to patch Libreoffice to get this to work. Often the packages from the ubuntu libreoffice packagers' team's ppa don't have this either.
            Last edited by claydoh; Jun 20, 2013, 05:35 PM.


              To answer oshunluvr.
              I am having the same issue when using my login under different computers.
              Just checked one of my colleagues, whom is in theory running exactly the same image, and his file manager seems to be fine.
              Which is an intriguing hint to have. Ill check other computers as well.

              To answer Mr claydoh.
              The liberoffice we are running seems to come from /usr/bin/libreoffice
              It's sporting a slight variation of the same file picker.


                I would check your home folder for folders/files not owned by you. This can happen if you run a GUI program using sudo instead of kdesudo.

                Please Read Me


                  Just open a console and type:
                  sudo chown -r username:userman
                  Where username is your login username. This will change the ownership and usergroup of all files within your /home directory to 'you', which they all should be.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    SORTED - kubuntu_12_04_64 and apps' file manager preferences

                    And... sorted!!
                    Thank you guys!...

                    Based on your last hints.
                    Found a rogue /usr/home/$USER/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini


                    and we are game. Looking back, we should have dug into there sooner. But.
                    Thank you again..

