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My system freezes several times each day when I open any browser.

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    My system freezes several times each day when I open any browser.

    Kubuntu 13.04 KDE 4.10.3

    My system froze when I opened Rekonq, not every time, but many times. I purged and reinstalled Rekonq several times but the problem continued.

    I installed Firefox, and the same problem happened. Not always, but when I opened Firefox, many times my computer would freeze. I have purged and reinstalled Firefox several times, but the problem persists.

    I installed Konqueror but am unable to even browse using Konqueror as my browser. I prefer Konqueror, but cannot get it to function on my computer.

    I have carefully watched for this problem to be reported by other users, but it does not seem to be a problem, at least one that is reported.

    I have waited to see if the problem would be corrected in the normal updates of Kubuntu 13.04.

    It is the only problem I have noticed that appears to be system related; the Kubuntu 13.04 application otherwise seems to work properly. I am very confused what to do. I really like Kubuntu 13.04 and do not want to re-install the OS if it is not the problem, and since no one else seems to have this problem, I don't know what to do.

    I have Windows 7 installed on this same computer and it functions without browser freezes, but I really do not like to run Windows 7. Nevertheless, the number of freezes when using the Kubuntu OS is increasing in occurence, and I fear that hard-booting will damage my computer if I continue. I do plan to use Windows 7, until I find a solution though. A couple of Administrators of this forum have tried to help in response to other posts relating to my problem, but no solution is forthcoming. Please introduce any ideas you might have. Thanks!

    I am just guessing but this could be any number of things, driver issue(s), flash, etc, etc, maybe even firewall related.


      I have purged and re-installed 3 separate browsers, so I think drivers are probably excused. I have used the standard Kubuntu firewall for years without trouble and do not know how I can check or verify it's function. I have updated and upgraded and dpkg'ed the system. It is a new build, the following are my components:

      CPU – AMD 8350 8-core 4200+
      GPU – XFX R7850 'double dissipation' 2GB DDR5 PCI Express 3.0
      RAM – 16GB DDR-3 1866
      SSD – 256GB
      HDD – TB 6GBs
      HDD – TB 3GBs
      DVDRW – (2)
      Power Supply 1000W
      Motherboard AsRock 990FX Extreme4

      Kubuntu 13.04
      Linux YESHUAH-desktop 3.8.0-23-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 29 20:22:58 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
      KDE 4.10.2
      Windows 7 Professional Sp1 . Do you see anything in my equipment that might be causing the problem?
      Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
      I am just guessing but this could be any number of things, driver issue(s), flash, etc, etc, maybe even firewall related.


        Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
        I have purged and re-installed 3 separate browsers, so I think drivers are probably excused. I have used the standard Kubuntu firewall for years without trouble and do not know how I can check or verify it's function. I have updated and upgraded and dpkg'ed the system. It is a new build, the following are my components:

        CPU – AMD 8350 8-core 4200+
        GPU – XFX R7850 'double dissipation' 2GB DDR5 PCI Express 3.0
        RAM – 16GB DDR-3 1866
        SSD – 256GB
        HDD – TB 6GBs
        HDD – TB 3GBs
        DVDRW – (2)
        Power Supply 1000W
        Motherboard AsRock 990FX Extreme4

        Kubuntu 13.04
        Linux YESHUAH-desktop 3.8.0-23-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 29 20:22:58 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
        KDE 4.10.2
        Windows 7 Professional Sp1 . Do you see anything in my equipment that might be causing the problem?
        That's fairly new and exotic high-end, you made no mention of the chipset, although Linux will pretty much run on anything, there are no guarantees, it is 'free' after all. I personally don't install 'bleeding edge' software, only when I feel like 'testing', try only the known stable versions, I use the least amounts of backports as possible too. I don't want to start a hardware loyalty war or anything but I have had more stability and luck with an Intel/nVidia combinations over the years.
        Last edited by tek_heretik; Jun 20, 2013, 12:54 PM. Reason: typo correction


          Chipsets are as follows:
          Northbridge: AMD 990FX
          - Southbridge: AMD SB 950

          When I purchased my hardware, I wanted to increase my GPU memory. Because AMD is the manufacturer of my processor, I specifically chose an AMD video card. At the time of purchase, the video card I purchased was on sale; it had great reviews, so I did not feel it a compromise due to the savings. I did not feel I was experimenting at all.

          I am not sure I understand what you feel my problem is, so I included my chipset as above posted. Do you have any recommendation what may be wrong, after knowing my chipset? Are these continual freezes and hard-starts having any negative affect on my existing hardware? Obviously I do not know what to do next. Also, I do not know which of your comments applies to my situation, because I did not include the chipset information. I can not afford to purchase components to experiment. A comparable nVidia video card coats between 2 and $300. Can you be more specific what needs to be done? Thanks for any additional help!
          Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
          That's fairly new and exotic high-end, you made no mention of the chipset, although Linux will pretty much run on anything, there are no guarantees, it is 'free' after all. I personally don't install 'bleeding edge' software, only when I feel like 'testing', try only the known stable versions, I use the least amounts of backports as possible too. I don't want to start a hardware loyalty war or anything but I have had more stability and luck with an Intel/nVidia combinations over the years.


            I got the problem to stop. I changed the drivers to the Video Card to the alternate choice. The graphics are less attractive, but the freezes have stopped. Hopefully Kubuntu developers will repair the primary driver choice in the future; the image quality is far superior with the problematic browser freezes.
            Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
            That's fairly new and exotic high-end, you made no mention of the chipset, although Linux will pretty much run on anything, there are no guarantees, it is 'free' after all. I personally don't install 'bleeding edge' software, only when I feel like 'testing', try only the known stable versions, I use the least amounts of backports as possible too. I don't want to start a hardware loyalty war or anything but I have had more stability and luck with an Intel/nVidia combinations over the years.

