Hi I'm testing out kubuntu 13.04 right now and I noticed that rekonq is the defult webbrowser. I know nothing about rekonq but im familar with konqueror.
I get a warning when login in to my internet bank with rekonq as I used to get using konqueror, but with konqueror I could make some special sites get recognice as
firefox, that used to work okej, but my bank site (www.swedbank.com) isn't displayd corectly. I don't like that but I can live with it. my question is how secure is rekonq/konqueror?
Can I use it to log in to my internet bank? I don't think it's secure enouth, am I wrong? So I also like chromium.
More konkret, my question is what are the advcantages and disadvantages of rekonq/konqueror and chromium? I whould like to know if I can get chromium to be well intergrated into kde as the defualt browser.
I get a warning when login in to my internet bank with rekonq as I used to get using konqueror, but with konqueror I could make some special sites get recognice as
firefox, that used to work okej, but my bank site (www.swedbank.com) isn't displayd corectly. I don't like that but I can live with it. my question is how secure is rekonq/konqueror?
Can I use it to log in to my internet bank? I don't think it's secure enouth, am I wrong? So I also like chromium.
More konkret, my question is what are the advcantages and disadvantages of rekonq/konqueror and chromium? I whould like to know if I can get chromium to be well intergrated into kde as the defualt browser.