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chromium as default browser, need some advice

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    chromium as default browser, need some advice

    Hi I'm testing out kubuntu 13.04 right now and I noticed that rekonq is the defult webbrowser. I know nothing about rekonq but im familar with konqueror.
    I get a warning when login in to my internet bank with rekonq as I used to get using konqueror, but with konqueror I could make some special sites get recognice as
    firefox, that used to work okej, but my bank site ( isn't displayd corectly. I don't like that but I can live with it. my question is how secure is rekonq/konqueror?
    Can I use it to log in to my internet bank? I don't think it's secure enouth, am I wrong? So I also like chromium.

    More konkret, my question is what are the advcantages and disadvantages of rekonq/konqueror and chromium? I whould like to know if I can get chromium to be well intergrated into kde as the defualt browser.

    I can say (and others will too) that Chromium integrates very well into KDE; I've been using it for a long time and it's my default browser on my two 13.04 KDE 4.10.4 laptops. Chromium does not have the ability to report itself as another browser like Konqueror does -- a feature that was very useful and that maybe, one day, will be incorporated into Chromium.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      I use SR Ware Iron, which is a repackaged version of Chromium without many of the Google tracking "goodies." For what it's worth - your bank website loaded fine here.

      Please Read Me


        Originally posted by marbangens View Post
        I get a warning when login in to my internet bank with rekonq as I used to get using konqueror, but with konqueror I could make some special sites get recognice as firefox, that used to work okej, but my bank site ( isn't displayd corectly.
        It is almost impossible for us to help you without knowing the relevant details. What is the warning you receive with Rekonq? What kind of workarounds have you done for other sites in Konqueror? What kind of incorrect display of your bank's site are you seeing? Help us help you

        Originally posted by marbangens View Post
        my question is how secure is rekonq/konqueror?
        I use both routinely, including for managing bank accounts and investments. In fact, one could argue that they're more secure, as they provide far fewer hooks for arbitrary plugins and lack the underlying code frequently targeted by attacks against Internet Explorer, Firefox, and (to a lesser degree) Chrom(e)ium.

        Originally posted by marbangens View Post
        Can I use it to log in to my internet bank? I don't think it's secure enouth, am I wrong?
        What evidence do you have that suggests Rekonq or Konqueror aren't secure enough? Security decisions should not be based on opinions, but instead on facts. Do you have information about successful bank account compromises via Rekonq or Konqueror?


          Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
          It is almost impossible for us to help you without knowing the relevant details. What is the warning you receive with Rekonq? What kind of workarounds have you done for other sites in Konqueror? What kind of incorrect display of your bank's site are you seeing? Help us help you
          The kind of incorrect display of is the tabs on to of the page, for example "private banking" is displayed with a newline instead of a space in between the words. I think konqueror is secure, but wasn't not sure. I love konqueror, I want to use it more then any browser but sometimes pages was not display correctly, flash was "buggy". This was about half a year ago. I'm gonna install and try out konqueror now

          And Thank you for replying to my questions

          edit: tabs only displayed wrong when konqueror is using webkit (on
          Last edited by marbangens; Jun 11, 2013, 01:25 PM.


            Originally posted by marbangens View Post
            The kind of incorrect display of is the tabs on to of the page, for example "private banking" is displayed with a newline instead of a space in between the words.
            The HTML for that navigation bar creates a table. In HTML tables, text in cells will wrap at word boundaries if it can't fit within the cell's dimensions. I suspect that the navigation bar is auto-generated by some kind of content management system, and the output is tested against common browsers only. Curiously, I can't get the text to change size -- zooming affects most of the page, but not the navigation bar.

            Originally posted by marbangens View Post
            I think konqueror is secure, but wasn't not sure. I love konqueror, I want to use it more then any browser but sometimes pages was not display correctly, flash was "buggy".
            Alas, one of the problems we face is that web designers assume everyone's using Firefox or IE or Safari. I like Konqueror too, and I put up with the occasional malformed output.

            Regarding Flash, that's a lost cause on Linux now. Adobe has quit updating their Flash plugin, and we can no longer expect that Flash will work correctly with any browser on Linux. There's one exception: Google Chrome comes bundled with a Flash binary. Note that Chromium, the open source version of Chrome, does not include this "feature."


              SteveRiley is there a way to make konqueror switch to khtml temporarly when I visit swedban?


                Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                I use SR Ware Iron, which is a repackaged version of Chromium without many of the Google tracking "goodies.
                Googles "goodies" are in (Google) Chrome, not Chromium. There's a distinction between the two.


                  If you need the latest flash player on linux you'll have to install Google-chrome. you can use chrome's pepper flash in Chromium but you'll still have to install Chrome at least temporarily to extract it. this is the notice found on Adobe's page
                  NOTE: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target Linux as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide security backports to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux.
                  In Adobe's tech notes found here:
                  there is a Link that is supposed to allow you to download Chrome's flash but it's broken
                  Dave Kubuntu 20.04 Registered Linux User #462608

                  Wireless Script:


                    Originally posted by marbangens View Post
                    SteveRiley is there a way to make konqueror switch to khtml temporarly when I visit swedban?
                    I have not been able to find any way to do this, sorry.

