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I believe the application 'Rekonq' is crashing my Kubuntu 13.04 distribution.

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    I believe the application 'Rekonq' is crashing my Kubuntu 13.04 distribution.

    It has happened several times now, so I believe it is perhaps a certain bug. I am not confident to report a bug. I have tried in the past, but the system confuses me.

    My OS is Kubuntu 13.04. I prefer not to use 'Rekonq' and have made Firefox my default browser. I actually prefer Konqueror but cannot get it to install.

    In any event, I have pretty-much tried to keep 'Rekonq' from use on my machine. Many times when I open Firefox, the system crashes and halts. A hard-start is required. Nevertheless, if I leave the computer running for a while with the screen stalled, the audio portion of a movie continues to play, seemingly without problem, even though the video portion shows the last image playing when the stall occurred.

    The reason I believe 'Rekonq' is the offending application is because a box appears on-screen referring to it (dual-monitor). I feel a bit foolish right now, because I should have copied what the box said, to help more, but this post was a more-or-less afterthought.

    The next time it happens, I will edit this post and include accurate frozen on-screen information relating to 'Rekonq'.

    A former friend from Israel used to report my bug problems and symptoms for me, but he has started a computer business, so I don't bother him with same anymore. He is a kind guy and would probably continue to report them, but he is also very busy now helping others for a fee. I remember him posting that my bug reports were responsible for fixing over 50 programming problems during a former distribution, so if anyone wants to report this for me, it would probably be helpful to the programmers. There are certain things that I don't do very well, even when I want to.

    Recommended not depending - Bug reports


    The Rekonq is recommended by the kubuntu-desktop/kubuntu-full /1, 2/ packages. The Kubuntu is not depending the Rekonq. If you want to remove the Rekonq you can do it.

    Bug reports

    KDE - How to create useful crash reports:


    Last edited by Rog131; Jun 01, 2013, 08:52 AM.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
      I actually prefer Konqueror but cannot get it to install.
      Do it like this:
      sudo apt-get install konqueror konq-plugins kpart-webkit
      If you receive errors, let us know.


        The only thing I can see so far is the icons for the links on the start page do not appear ( like 'Home Folder', 'Network Folders', etc. They show as broken, but when I click on the links, they work OK. It is like having a friend back. The installation stopped in the middle until you gave me the correct code for installing. I really appreciate it and hope I enjoy Konqueror as much as I used to. Flash never worked well in Konqueror; that is the reason I installed Firefox, for multimedia stuff.
        Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
        Do it like this:
        sudo apt-get install konqueror konq-plugins kpart-webkit
        If you receive errors, let us know.


          Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
          The only thing I can see so far is the icons for the links on the start page do not appear ( like 'Home Folder', 'Network Folders', etc. They show as broken, but when I click on the links, they work OK.
          I think your KDE icon cache is corrupt. Let's delete it, so that KDE can build a fresh one.

          1. Log out of the desktop.

          2. When you see the graphical login manager, press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to switch to a console TTY.

          3. Log in with your normal user ID and password.

          4. At the prompt, enter:
          rm -rfv /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER
          5. Now enter logout to log out.

          6. Press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to the graphical login manager.

          7. Log in and then check Konqueror. Got icons back?

          Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
          It is like having a friend back. The installation stopped in the middle until you gave me the correct code for installing. I really appreciate it and hope I enjoy Konqueror as much as I used to. Flash never worked well in Konqueror; that is the reason I installed Firefox, for multimedia stuff.
          I like Konqueror a lot. It's even better with the WebKit engine, which I had you install.

          I am not a fan using graphical package management tools. The command line tools provide so much more information and control. The more time you spend in a console, the more comfortable you'll become.


            I installed debug symbols for all the applications in my computer but want to fix the current problem with the browser before I get into that project. When I started to read the first screen on the website you offered, I could see that it would take me a bit of time to read. I look forward to learning how to report bugs on my system and to have the appropriate data to send the developers.
            Originally posted by Rog131 View Post

            The Rekonq is recommended by the kubuntu-desktop/kubuntu-full /1, 2/ packages. The Kubuntu is not depending the Rekonq. If you want to remove the Rekonq you can do it.

            Bug reports

            KDE - How to create useful crash reports:




              It was fun to attempt, because I used available tools for the first time, however, the icons did not reappear. Additionally, konqueror no longer functions. I don't know if it is that thing the Greygeek is talking about or the konqueror application, because the system froze shortly after I logged out of konqueror and attempted to login to firefox. I believe I did the steps you suggested accurately; everything went as expected, however the expected result did not happen.
              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
              I think your KDE icon cache is corrupt. Let's delete it, so that KDE can build a fresh one.

              1. Log out of the desktop.

              2. When you see the graphical login manager, press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to switch to a console TTY.

              3. Log in with your normal user ID and password.

              4. At the prompt, enter:
              rm -rfv /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER
              5. Now enter logout to log out.

              6. Press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to the graphical login manager.

              7. Log in and then check Konqueror. Got icons back?

              I like Konqueror a lot. It's even better with the WebKit engine, which I had you install.

              I am not a fan using graphical package management tools. The command line tools provide so much more information and control. The more time you spend in a console, the more comfortable you'll become.
              Last edited by Shabakthanai; Jun 02, 2013, 04:30 AM. Reason: corrected a word


                Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                It was fun to attempt, because I used available tools for the first time, however, the icons did not reappear... I believe I did the steps you suggested accurately; everything went as expected, however the expected result did not happen.
                Let's double-check. Please do the following -- exactly as I write.

                1. Open a console window

                2. Run this command:
                ls -al /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER
                3. Copy-paste the output into a reply message here.

                Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                Additionally, konqueror no longer functions. I don't know if it is that thing the Greygeek is talking about or the konqueror application, because the system froze shortly after I logged out of konqueror and attempted to login to firefox.
                "Logged out of Konqueror"? Konqueror is a web browser, and you don't "log out" of web browsers. Do you mean to say that you closed the Konqueror window by clicking the "X" in the right corner, opened Firefox, and then your system froze up completely after that? As in no response to the mouse or keyboard at all?


                  steven@YESHUAH-desktop:~$ ls -al /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER
                  total 104956
                  drwx------ 8 steven steven     4096 Jun 10 05:29 .
                  drwxrwxrwt 5 root   root       4096 Jun 10 03:19 ..
                  -rw-r--r-- 1 steven steven 10485760 Jun  5 14:43 bookmarkrunnerfirefoxdbfile.sqlite
                  drwx------ 2 steven steven     4096 Jun  3 00:21 favicons
                  drwx------ 2 steven steven    57344 Jun 10 08:26 http
                  -rw-rw-r-- 1 steven steven 10547304 Jun 10 08:51 icon-cache.kcache
                  drwx------ 2 steven steven     4096 Jun  2 15:51 kgamerenderer-kpat-themes
                  drwxrwxr-x 2 steven steven     4096 Jun  5 14:43 KRunner-Favicons-firefox-default
                  -rw-rw-r-- 1 steven steven  1932966 Jun  6 02:16 ksycoca4
                  -rw-rw-r-- 1 steven steven      536 Jun  6 02:16 ksycoca4stamp
                  drwx------ 2 steven steven     4096 Jun  2 15:51 libkcardgame-themes
                  -rw------- 1 steven steven       48 Jun  2 06:10 Personal Calendarrc
                  -rw------- 1 steven steven    23272 Jun 10 05:29 plasma-svgelements-Glaze
                  -rw-rw-r-- 1 steven steven 84377704 Jun 10 08:20 plasma_theme_Glaze.kcache
                  drwx------ 3 steven steven     4096 Jun  2 06:09 plasma-wallpapers

                  Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                  Let's double-check. Please do the following -- exactly as I write.

                  1. Open a console window

                  2. Run this command:
                  ls -al /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER
                  3. Copy-paste the output into a reply message here.

                  "Logged out of Konqueror"? Konqueror is a web browser, and you don't "log out" of web browsers. Do you mean to say that you closed the Konqueror window by clicking the "X" in the right corner, opened Firefox, and then your system froze up completely after that? As in no response to the mouse or keyboard at all?
                  Sorry about the misuse of terminology, I guess I have seen both activities similarly. I closed out of Konqueror. When I attempt to re-open and use Konqueror, I get the google start page as expected however am unable to transfer to any site. I have entered site addresses that do not open. At the bottom of the screen it suggests an attempt at connecting, but never connects.
                  Last edited by SteveRiley; Jun 11, 2013, 11:25 PM.


                    Well, it does appear as if the cache got cleaned out, because everything is dated on or after the date I posted the suggestion.

                    As to why your icons aren't appearing or why the browser isn't making connections, I'm out of ideas at this point.


                      I haven't noticed, but my browsers freeze about a dozen times each day. I haven't counted them, but it must be very close to accurate, maybe more. In any event, it happened with Rekonq and Firefox, and I have never been able to surf the Internet using konqueror, even after following your command line installation instruction.

                      I have been waiting for an update to fix the problem, but it doesn't seem to come. Additionally, I was unable to get registered to report bugs. If this is not happening for others, it probably will not be important enought to work by the developers. I would like to report bugs, I believe I could make sensible reports now.

                      Because you are constantly helping people, I thought you may have seen or know of a bug that causes this freezing problem.

                      I would reinstall, but the system works with only that problem currently, and I configure just about everything each time I re-install, so I don't relish all that effort, if the problem is just going to re-appear.

                      I love the speed of my new computer, but it sure would be nice if the Internet browser problem could be resolved. Each time the problem occurs I have to Hard-Start the system. Not knowing if it is possible, I worry that I may injure the processor.
                      Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                      Well, it does appear as if the cache got cleaned out, because everything is dated on or after the date I posted the suggestion.

                      As to why your icons aren't appearing or why the browser isn't making connections, I'm out of ideas at this point.

