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Link opens behind active window, how do I correct this?

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    Link opens behind active window, how do I correct this?

    Kubuntu 13.04

    Recently links to other windows stopped appearing on the surface of the desktop. By that I mean, if I click on a link that requires a password, the window containing the place to type in the password appears, but it appears behind the active window.

    Since it is not showing on-screen, you are not aware that it has appeared for use and you have to minimize the active window to see if it appeared and is useable.

    This is very difficult to describe. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

    In time, I suppose I could get used to the process, but it is more difficult than before when links appeared on the surface of the desktop. I apologize for my inability to communicate better.

    I've noticed this lately, too. I'm experimenting with something that appears to work -- at least, it does after five minutes of random testing.

    Go to System Settings | Window Behavior. Now select the Window Behavior page. Change Focus stealing prevention level to None.

    How does this work for you?


      It seems to be working for me too, but I remember when I configured this aspect of my computer's capabilities, I chose 'extreme', which seemed what I would prefer, when it comes to outside interferences affecting my viewing. Apparently I either do not understand what the option does, or it is not working as intended.

      If this is the solution to the problem, it will improve how I use my computer, but then it confuses me about what it is there for. You, Steve, never stop surprising me. You seem on top of everything, all the time. It is fun to watch you work. Cudos, friend.
      Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
      I've noticed this lately, too. I'm experimenting with something that appears to work -- at least, it does after five minutes of random testing.

      Go to System Settings | Window Behavior. Now select the Window Behavior page. Change Focus stealing prevention level to None.

      How does this work for you?


        Well, let's analyze what the help bits say:

        Extreme would prevent KWin from ever opening a window on top of another one. This is probably not what you would want: file dialogs, for example, would always be opened beneath the application window. I can't think of any real-world instances where you'd need to worry about "outside interferences affecting [your] viewing."

        The description for Low is not all that helpful, and it seems that even KWin itself can't predict what would happen -- if the last sentence can be any guide here. But since None seems to produce the most expected behavior, that's what I'm using.

        I've asked on the KDE Forum whether anything's changed recently in KWin or default settings.


          Oh, and thanks for the kind words. I would be remiss if I didn't admit that some of your questions actually help me learn, as I look for answers


            Wow, I read the same words and did not understand without your explanations. My 'Extreme' selection was obviously what I experienced. As I recall it was a recent configuration addition, and the reason for not coming up in prior times. Thanks again. It is incredible how much I am learning in my old age. See you, friend.
            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
            Oh, and thanks for the kind words. I would be remiss if I didn't admit that some of your questions actually help me learn, as I look for answers

