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konqueror video preview - only about half the thumbnails load

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    konqueror video preview - only about half the thumbnails load

    hi guys, newb here, any help would be much appreciated

    i'm trying to get videos to preview in konqueror
    however, only about half the videos actually display a preview icon
    each time i reopen the folder, only the same videos display a preview in the icon
    some of the others that do not display a preview icon, do have preview images in the popup when i mouse over the icon

    any ideas on why this might be happening? if it makes any difference, the files are on an ntfs drive.


    Re: konqueror video preview - only about half the thumbnails load

    Is it a specific type of video (e.g. mpeg, avi, wmv, etc) that works and another specific type that doesn't? If so, you may have a problem with the default for that format. Look at "configure Konqueror">"File Associations">video.


      Re: konqueror video preview - only about half the thumbnails load

      no, that doesn't seem to be the case
      the same file extension sometimes shows a preview, sometimes does not. It's not just one specific extension either, all extensions seem to be affected.
      Every time i open the folder, the same files have previews (about the first 50). The same files do not have previews (every file after the first 50).


        Re: konqueror video preview - only about half the thumbnails load

        now i notice that different files have previews, depending on how they are sorted...any ideas? it's not easy navigating my porn collection without previews! =D


          Re: konqueror video preview - only about half the thumbnails load

          If, in fact you only get previews on the first fifty images or so, I would suspect that this is some kind of a memory problem, i.e. maybe you're runnning out after n = 50 thumbnails. Suppose, you move 65 files to a subdirectory. does the same thing happen? 100?, 200? i.e. If all of a smaller directory is in memory at once, then you may get more thumbnails in a smaller directory.

