kubuntu 13.04
Am installing systemrescuecd on a usb stick to bootup using ext4 filesystem.
I copied the systemrescuecd files to isocdrom folder. Unfortunately I screwed up & used
sudo cp cd /mnt/isocdrom, instead of sudo cp cd -r /mnt/isocdrom.
How can I delete the contents of folder isocdrom, or delete folder completely?
Am not that familiar with coding, so sure would appreciate some expert help.
Am installing systemrescuecd on a usb stick to bootup using ext4 filesystem.
I copied the systemrescuecd files to isocdrom folder. Unfortunately I screwed up & used
sudo cp cd /mnt/isocdrom, instead of sudo cp cd -r /mnt/isocdrom.
How can I delete the contents of folder isocdrom, or delete folder completely?
Am not that familiar with coding, so sure would appreciate some expert help.
