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Right password but can't log on to console and so can't upgrade to new version

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    Right password but can't log on to console and so can't upgrade to new version

    I can log on with other user accounts but not the original account.

    When I try to login to the original user account I do not get a wrong password message.

    I get a momentarily blank screen and then I get the login page occur again.

    I can login to to the original account from the command shell but then I can't start the desktop with startx

    Can anyone help as I can use this machine using a different user account but I want to upgrade it to the latest version of Kubuntu.

    Many thanks for in advance to anyone who is happy to assist.
    Last edited by absolute beginner; May 03, 2013, 06:32 PM.

    OK some limited progress I managed to log on with another user account and use CTL + ALT + F1 to get to a command shell I was then able to logon in the command shell as the original user and 'do-release-upgrade'

    So the machine is currently doing the upgrade. Hopefully as part of this uprgrade the file that initiates/controls the console start up for the original user account on this machine will be also fixed. Fingers crossed.

    .....OK upgrading the version of Kubuntu has resolved the issue and I can now log on using the original user account agan.
    Last edited by absolute beginner; May 03, 2013, 10:04 PM.


      I am not the most skilled kubuntu user, however, since you claim to be an absolute beginner, you might want to consider your upgrades a bit more. It sounds like you want to and are upgrading to the most recent Kubuntu distribution. If that is so, it is not stable yet. That means a lot of bugs will still show up until it is offered as a stable release. The latest stable release is Kubuntu 12.10. You will not have much trouble with it. Additionally it does almost all the same things the newest release does. Most of the improvements in the latest issue are nice but not so necessary that an absolute beginner experience the down-side of operating a beta or unstable distribution. Like you, I like to start at the top and work up, but it is not advisable until you have a little more experience. Hope I am nnot being too judgmental, and that this comment is useful to you.
      Originally posted by absolute beginner View Post
      OK some limited progress I managed to log on with another user account and use CTL + ALT + F1 to get to a command shell I was then able to logon in the command shell as the original user and 'do-release-upgrade'

      So the machine is currently doing the upgrade. Hopefully as part of this uprgrade the file that initiates/controls the console start up for the original user account on this machine will be also fixed. Fingers crossed.

      .....OK upgrading the version of Kubuntu has resolved the issue and I can now log on using the original user account agan.

