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Use keyboard shortcut to open program, or display if it's already open

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    Use keyboard shortcut to open program, or display if it's already open

    Hi all

    I have configured the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+K to open KeepassX. When I click KeepassX's close button, it is configured to hide in the system tray instead of closing completely.

    I would like to be able to open KeepassX from the system tray by pressing Ctrl+Alt+K again. Instead, what happens is that a second instance of KeepassX starts, which is not what I want at all. When specifying the action for a keyboard shortcut, is there a standard flag or something I can use to say 'start this program if it's not running, otherwise just wake it up / display it'?

    Apologies if this is not a general Linux/Kubuntu question, and I should post in the KeepassX forums instead.

    On a related note, just how much stuff can I put in the action for a keyboard shortcut? Can I just type arbitrary bash code in?

    Thanks for your help.

    Last edited by dovder; Apr 11, 2013, 06:12 AM. Reason: Clarity