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Can't Record on fullscreen ^^

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    Can't Record on fullscreen ^^

    You might remember me, I'm the guy who posted a month ago with the same problem. But this time I uploaded a video to show you what my problem is.
    First I want to say that this also happened to me on Ubuntu, and using different recorders.
    My graphic card: ATI Raedon HD Series 6570. This also happened to me installing the official driver from the Catalyst website and also using the drivers from additional driver taht happens to be the same but an older version.

    So here is the video uploaded to my youtube account :

    Also I want to say that I used to dual boot with windows7 but delted it..I thought that could resolve it. It didn't also tried it for the first time on Kubuntu 12.10. Thought trying this on 12.04 could give a different result ,It didn't. I don't know why this could be. I hope I can find a solution.
    (Right now I'm in Kubuntu 12.04)

    Thank you for your help.

    Have you tried making your recording from the command line? The ffmpeg program can do this. This is a very old posting but it still works, I ran a short test on my computer to try it.


      Yes By now I have tried a lot of crazy things Like disabling some desktop effects, trying to reproduce the videos I recorded with other software, or as I said above changing to Ubuntu or from Kubuntu 12.10 to 12.04. I'm sad and frustrated, If you saw my desktop, its so functional, I can run alot of games and everything I just can't record and show them on youtube for people to see the epicness of my kubuntu D:


        The first time I ran the ffmpeg command was in Linux Mint with the Mate DE and Compiz. So thinking your problem might be with KDE and Kwin I rebooted into Kubuntu 12.04 and ran it again. It worked fine. So that is not the problem. One would have to play with the parameters in the command to get it to produce the correct resolution to show the full screen but that should not be difficult. As to why your recording only produces a blank screen I don't know. But at least now you know that it should work, and there is probably some minor setting somewhere that is blocking the output. And let me add that these recordings do not include any sound, so that is a separate issue. Keep working on this and I predict you will have an epiphany and slap your forehead and say DUH!!!


          Can anyone direct us to a log file that might contain some useful info for the OP? I can't duplicate the problem so I can't determine which file might be the correct one.


            Originally posted by Detonate View Post
            The first time I ran the ffmpeg command was in Linux Mint with the Mate DE and Compiz. So thinking your problem might be with KDE and Kwin I rebooted into Kubuntu 12.04 and ran it again. It worked fine. So that is not the problem. One would have to play with the parameters in the command to get it to produce the correct resolution to show the full screen but that should not be difficult. As to why your recording only produces a blank screen I don't know. But at least now you know that it should work, and there is probably some minor setting somewhere that is blocking the output. And let me add that these recordings do not include any sound, so that is a separate issue. Keep working on this and I predict you will have an epiphany and slap your forehead and say DUH!!!
            I hope i get such epiphany. But I don't think it has to do with KDE since I've tried it on ubuntu and ubuntu runs on Unity. And I want to mention something, when I'm recording , I know its not working because I dont get any fps decrease (when opening the game). Oh well.
            And at the same time I wonder, didn't any one else got this problem?


              I installed RecordItNow and made a short video. I was able to get a pretty good desktop recording but only in one workspace. I used ffmpeg to convert it to a .flv file but for some reason that did not work, when playing the file it only showed the first frame of the recording. I'll keep playing with this as I have time, but I have some other things I must attend to now. I'll be back later.


                Originally posted by Detonate View Post
                I installed RecordItNow and made a short video. I was able to get a pretty good desktop recording but only in one workspace. I used ffmpeg to convert it to a .flv file but for some reason that did not work, when playing the file it only showed the first frame of the recording. I'll keep playing with this as I have time, but I have some other things I must attend to now. I'll be back later.
                Oh That's great, thank you. Do you mind using instead of RecordItNow , Recordmydesktop? I think it is the same though. And please when you test can you tell me how does it go? Thank you.


                  RecordItNow is merely a KDE frontend for recordmydesktop. I'm recording this now using ffmpeg with my specified resolution and recording directly to flv format. Let me see how that works.


                    That worked in Mint. Now let me go over to Kubuntu and see if it works there.


                      By using this command I was able to record a good quality desktop session in full screen in flv format.
                      ffmpeg -f x11grab -s hd1080 -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq /home/username/Videos/ffmpegtest2.flv
                      hd1080 in the above command that tells ffmpg to use the resolution of my monitor which is 1920x1080. See man ffmpeg to find the proper setting for your system.

                      I have not tried to get sound, I'll leave that up to you once we get the video part working.

                      Insert your username in the above code.
                      Last edited by Detonate; Apr 01, 2013, 03:12 PM.


                        From some years ago, I have this note in my "How To" folder, regarding ffmpeg and desktop recording:
                        ffmpeg -r 30 -s 1366x768 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 2 -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -acodec pcm_s16le filename.avi
                        I no longer remember where it came from, but I do recall testing it at the time and it worked (with whatever version of some OS I was using then .....). Maybe it will help a bit.


                          If you can get Dibl's code to work it should also record the sound. And no conversion would be necessary as YouTube accepts .avi files.


                            ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0+100,200 output.avi

                            Using this command I've obtained the same results. I can upload it to youtube, but I just find it pointless. The same problem I have when sharing desktops with anyone on Skype.
                            I think this problem has no solution which is sad. I love Kubuntu I've deleted windows in case that would work.
                            Aw too bad, I guess you can't have everything .



                              The command I posted still works -- just substitute your screen size for the 1366x768.

