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Akonadi failed to start after restore from Backup

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    Akonadi failed to start after restore from Backup

    Hi all. There is a little back story to this error. I LOVE Kubuntu and up until yesterday it was working WONDERFULLY!! But then I did SOMETHING wrong..... I backed up with "Backup" and restored with it.

    I was attempting to change my icons on my kubuntu desktop. I downloaded a few packages but have no idea how to install them. With a few hours of google I finally clicked show hidden icons in my /home folder, and attempted to paste in a couple unzipped files. The icons didn't show up properly, and my previous icon theme stopped showing up properly too, even though I never saw/touched it's folder So since this "Backup" program had showed up that morning and I had used it to backup my /home and settings, I used it to "restore" everything back the way it had been, having given up on new icons I tried restarting the PC, but it hung on the gray screen after grub and never started. I used the power button to turn it off and turned it back on again. It loaded ok, but I got crash messages. Sorry I don't remember what they were. There were two. I ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade and also sudo apt-get autoclean and autoremove. Attempted to restart, but the PC didn't do anything. Again I had to use the power button. > I hate doing that. Then it started fine, but when I tried to get Korganizer to load it wouldn't! I got this "failed to start" message. I tried several different things I found on google, like removing the akonadi folder, and it started but all my data is gone! ( I can't find it anywhere. It wouldn't let me enter a new event or anything in the calander either. Now after restart (which again goes off without a hitch) akonadi won't start again! All I did was try some different icons and restore from "Backup" I will never use that "Backup" program again....

    Please help me get my beautiful Kubuntu working they way it was again I'm lost without my calander, and I never checked my email like I should of untill kmail..... please help! I am a total n00b and prolly dug my hole deeper already. Thank you!

    It won't let me post the error report. It says it contains "links" and I'm not allowed to post links yet. Help?

    Here's my computer details. My Kubuntu is a desktop environment over Ubuntu-remix since that's the only distro I could get installed on my Win8 OEM machine.

    Kubuntu 12.10 Platform Version 4.9.5
    Grub Version: 0.97-29ubuntu66
    Description-en: GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version)
    Desktop Intel i3 processor x64
    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)
    6G DDR3 Memory
    1T Serial ATA hard drive Partitioned for dual-boot with Win8



      One more post and I can post the error report ;p Is anybody able to help?


        Akonadi Server Self-Test Report

        Test 1: SUCCESS

        Database driver found.
        Details: The QtSQL driver 'QMYSQL' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration and was found on your system.

        File content of '/home/rachel/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc':


        Test 2: SUCCESS

        Akonadi is not running as root
        Details: Akonadi is not running as a root/administrator user, which is the recommended setup for a secure system.

        Test 3: SUCCESS

        MySQL server found.
        Details: You have currently configured Akonadi to use the MySQL server '/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi'.
        Make sure you have the MySQL server installed, set the correct path and ensure you have the necessary read and execution rights on the server executable. The server executable is typically called 'mysqld'; its location varies depending on the distribution.

        Test 4: SUCCESS

        MySQL server is executable.
        Details: MySQL server found: /usr/sbin/mysqld Ver 5.5.29-0ubuntu0.12.10.1 for debian-linux-gnu on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))

        Test 5: SUCCESS

        No current MySQL error log found.
        Details: The MySQL server did not report any errors during this startup. The log can be found in '/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err'.

        Test 6: SUCCESS

        MySQL server default configuration found.
        Details: The default configuration for the MySQL server was found and is readable at <a href='/etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf'>/etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf</a>.

        File content of '/etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf':
        # Global Akonadi MySQL server settings,
        # These settings can be adjusted using $HOME/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf
        # Based on advice by Kris Köhntopp <>

        # strict query parsing/interpretation
        # TODO: make Akonadi work with those settings enabled
        # sql_mode=strict_trans_tables,strict_all_tables,str ict_error_for_division_by_zero,no_auto_create_user ,no_auto_value_on_zero,no_engine_substitution,no_z ero_date,no_zero_in_date,only_full_group_by,pipes_ as_concat
        # sql_mode=strict_trans_tables

        # DEBUGGING:
        # log all queries, useful for debugging but generates an enormous amount of data
        # log=mysql.full
        # log queries slower than n seconds, log file name relative to datadir (for debugging only)
        # log_slow_queries=mysql.slow
        # long_query_time=1
        # log queries not using indices, debug only, disable for production use
        # log_queries_not_using_indexes=1
        # mesure database size and adjust innodb_buffer_pool_size
        # SELECT sum(data_length) as bla, sum(index_length) as blub FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema not in ("mysql", "information_schema");

        # NOTES:
        # Keep Innob_log_waits and keep Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free small (see show global status like "inno%", show global variables)



        # Use UTF-8 encoding for tables

        # use InnoDB for transactions and better crash recovery

        # memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structures (default:1M)

        # memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables (default:128M)
        # Larger values means less I/O

        # Create a .ibd file for each table (default:0)

        # Write out the log buffer to the log file at each commit (default:1)

        # Buffer size used to write to the log files on disk (default:1M for builtin, 8M for plugin)
        # larger values means less I/O

        # Size of each log file in a log group (default:5M) larger means less I/O but more time for recovery.

        # # error log file name, relative to datadir (default:hostname.err)

        # print warnings and connection errors (default:1)

        # Convert table named to lowercase

        # Maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate string. (default:1M)

        # Maximum simultaneous connections allowed (default:100)

        # The two options below make no sense with prepared statements and/or transactions
        # (make sense when having the same query multiple times)

        # Memory allocated for caching query results (default:0 (disabled))

        # Do not cache results (default:1)

        # Do not use the privileges mechanisms

        # Do not listen for TCP/IP connections at all

        # The number of open tables for all threads. (default:64)

        # How many threads the server should cache for reuse (default:0)

        # wait 365d before dropping the DB connection (default:8h)


        Test 7: SKIP

        MySQL server custom configuration not available.
        Details: The custom configuration for the MySQL server was not found but is optional.

        Test 8: SUCCESS

        MySQL server configuration is usable.
        Details: The MySQL server configuration was found at <a href='/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf'>/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf</a> and is readable.

        File content of '/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf':
        # Global Akonadi MySQL server settings,
        # These settings can be adjusted using $HOME/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf
        # Based on advice by Kris Köhntopp <>

        # strict query parsing/interpretation
        # TODO: make Akonadi work with those settings enabled
        # sql_mode=strict_trans_tables,strict_all_tables,str ict_error_for_division_by_zero,no_auto_create_user ,no_auto_value_on_zero,no_engine_substitution,no_z ero_date,no_zero_in_date,only_full_group_by,pipes_ as_concat
        # sql_mode=strict_trans_tables

        # DEBUGGING:
        # log all queries, useful for debugging but generates an enormous amount of data
        # log=mysql.full
        # log queries slower than n seconds, log file name relative to datadir (for debugging only)
        # log_slow_queries=mysql.slow
        # long_query_time=1
        # log queries not using indices, debug only, disable for production use
        # log_queries_not_using_indexes=1
        # mesure database size and adjust innodb_buffer_pool_size
        # SELECT sum(data_length) as bla, sum(index_length) as blub FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema not in ("mysql", "information_schema");

        # NOTES:
        # Keep Innob_log_waits and keep Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free small (see show global status like "inno%", show global variables)



        # Use UTF-8 encoding for tables

        # use InnoDB for transactions and better crash recovery

        # memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structures (default:1M)

        # memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables (default:128M)
        # Larger values means less I/O

        # Create a .ibd file for each table (default:0)

        # Write out the log buffer to the log file at each commit (default:1)

        # Buffer size used to write to the log files on disk (default:1M for builtin, 8M for plugin)
        # larger values means less I/O

        # Size of each log file in a log group (default:5M) larger means less I/O but more time for recovery.

        # # error log file name, relative to datadir (default:hostname.err)

        # print warnings and connection errors (default:1)

        # Convert table named to lowercase

        # Maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate string. (default:1M)

        # Maximum simultaneous connections allowed (default:100)

        # The two options below make no sense with prepared statements and/or transactions
        # (make sense when having the same query multiple times)

        # Memory allocated for caching query results (default:0 (disabled))

        # Do not cache results (default:1)

        # Do not use the privileges mechanisms

        # Do not listen for TCP/IP connections at all

        # The number of open tables for all threads. (default:64)

        # How many threads the server should cache for reuse (default:0)

        # wait 365d before dropping the DB connection (default:8h)


        Test 9: SUCCESS

        akonadictl found and usable
        Details: The program '/usr/bin/akonadictl' to control the Akonadi server was found and could be executed successfully.
        Akonadi 1.8.1

        Test 10: ERROR

        Akonadi control process not registered at D-Bus.
        Details: The Akonadi control process is not registered at D-Bus which typically means it was not started or encountered a fatal error during startup.

        Test 11: ERROR

        Akonadi server process not registered at D-Bus.
        Details: The Akonadi server process is not registered at D-Bus which typically means it was not started or encountered a fatal error during startup.

        Test 12: ERROR

        Nepomuk search service not registered at D-Bus.
        Details: The Nepomuk search service is not registered at D-Bus which typically means it was not started or encountered a fatal error during startup.

        Test 13: SKIP

        Protocol version check not possible.
        Details: Without a connection to the server it is not possible to check if the protocol version meets the requirements.

        Test 14: ERROR

        No resource agents found.
        Details: No resource agents have been found, Akonadi is not usable without at least one. This usually means that no resource agents are installed or that there is a setup problem. The following paths have been searched: '/usr/share/akonadi/agents'. The XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable is set to '/usr/share/kde-plasma:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/'; make sure this includes all paths where Akonadi agents are installed.

        Directory listing of '/usr/share/akonadi/agents':

        Environment variable XDG_DATA_DIRS is set to '/usr/share/kde-plasma:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/'

        Test 15: ERROR

        Current Akonadi server error log found.
        Details: The Akonadi server reported errors during its current startup. The log can be found in <a href='/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error'>/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error</a>.

        File content of '/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error':
        Database process exited unexpectedly during initial connection!
        executable: "/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi"
        arguments: ("--defaults-file=/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf", "--datadir=/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/", "--socket=/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/socket-Artax3ubuntu/mysql.socket")
        stdout: ""
        stderr: "130327 1:19:37 [ERROR] Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!

        130327 1:19:37 [ERROR] Aborting

        130327 1:19:37 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

        exit code: 1
        process error: "Unknown error"
        0: akonadiserver() [0x4188c4]
        1: akonadiserver() [0x418c01]
        2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2e972e54a0]
        3: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2e972e5425]
        4: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2e972e8b8b]
        5: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x122) [0x7f2e98d984c2]
        6: akonadiserver() [0x41aafb]
        7: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2e98e327c4]
        8: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2e98e3d45f]
        9: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2e98e45a5b]
        10: akonadiserver() [0x48c7aa]
        11: akonadiserver() [0x41b857]
        12: akonadiserver() [0x41c7d5]
        13: akonadiserver() [0x41ddf7]
        14: akonadiserver() [0x411ce3]
        15: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2e972d076d]
        16: akonadiserver() [0x412641]

        Test 16: ERROR

        Previous Akonadi server error log found.
        Details: The Akonadi server reported errors during its previous startup. The log can be found in <a href='/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error.old'>/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error.old</a>.

        File content of '/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error.old':
        Database process exited unexpectedly during initial connection!
        executable: "/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi"
        arguments: ("--defaults-file=/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf", "--datadir=/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/", "--socket=/home/rachel/.local/share/akonadi/socket-Artax3ubuntu/mysql.socket")
        stdout: ""
        stderr: "130327 1:19:37 [ERROR] Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!

        130327 1:19:37 [ERROR] Aborting

        130327 1:19:37 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

        exit code: 1
        process error: "Unknown error"
        0: akonadiserver() [0x4188c4]
        1: akonadiserver() [0x418c01]
        2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fcc9ad7f4a0]
        3: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fcc9ad7f425]
        4: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fcc9ad82b8b]
        5: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x122) [0x7fcc9c8324c2]
        6: akonadiserver() [0x41aafb]
        7: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fcc9c8cc7c4]
        8: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fcc9c8d745f]
        9: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fcc9c8dfa5b]
        10: akonadiserver() [0x48c7aa]
        11: akonadiserver() [0x41b857]
        12: akonadiserver() [0x41c7d5]
        13: akonadiserver() [0x41ddf7]
        14: akonadiserver() [0x411ce3]
        15: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fcc9ad6a76d]
        16: akonadiserver() [0x412641]

        Test 17: SUCCESS

        No current Akonadi control error log found.
        Details: The Akonadi control process did not report any errors during its current startup.

        Test 18: SUCCESS

        No previous Akonadi control error log found.
        Details: The Akonadi control process did not report any errors during its previous startup.


          you might considering posting this at UCE.


            Thank you for introducing me to that distro I didn't know there was such a thing. I'm not running UCE though so I don't think they should be able to help. This is Kubuntu desktop environment over Ubuntu-remix. It's just akonadi no longer functioning. Does anybody know how to get it working again? Is Akonadi such a mystery? I've googled and posted in two forums and still have yet to get one reply or suggestion Thank you for at least replying.


              Sorry to see your problem has not been solved and the lack of ideas to help you.

              New members on this Forum have to endure some restrictions till they have proven to be genuine people, not spammers.
              In case you really like to post some error report I suggest you contact one of the Moderators and he can probably of help.

              Akonadi and it's ilk are for many of us new and the functions not very well explored.
              Personally I've always found Kmail lacking in too many departments so I'm not your best help...

              But one thing is sure, Akonadi indexes, it's not a back-up.

              The content of Kmail used to be found in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail, these days it would be found in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail2
              Do you at least find some content?

              You write you used 'Backup', was that after the failure with the icons?
              In that case the damage might already have been done

              Anyways, again I'm not familiar with any utility called Backup or is it a function inside of some other program?

              A stuck desktop can often be shut down in a controlled way by using the so-called Magic Keys:
              Last edited by Teunis; Apr 06, 2013, 08:14 AM.


                You write you used 'Backup', was that after the failure with the icons?
                In that case the damage might already have been done
                No, it was before. I used this program ( "Backup" in the morning. All afternoon I attempted to install new icons. After my current icons began to display incorrectly for no apparent reason I decided to use the "Backup" program to restore my previous settings in an effort to restore my malfunctioning icons. The restore apparently destroyed my akonadi program. Akonadi is apparently necessary for Korganizer to function. I used it for kmail and the calendar. I found it very useful.... but of course now it doesn't work

                Akonadi and it's ilk are for many of us new and the functions not very well explored.
                Personally I've always found Kmail lacking in too many departments so I'm not your best help...
                I'm willing to try an alternative all-in-one program that will notify me of new messages in my gmail acct. and also have a calendar that I can keep dates and appointments on with notifications of impending deadlines and appointments...... is there such a thing? Then can I just uninstall akonadi and korganizer? Thanks for the advice

                New members on this Forum have to endure some restrictions till they have proven to be genuine people, not spammers.
                In case you really like to post some error report I suggest you contact one of the Moderators and he can probably of help.

                I understand the restrictions... I just couldn't find the "link"s in the error report above. But I did just scan through it, it's all greek to me! Lol!

                A stuck desktop can often be shut down in a controlled way by using the so-called Magic Keys:
                Thanks so much for that link too!! I copied it down, I hope I don't have to use it soon, but I'll know where to find it! )

