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Cant log in

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    Cant log in

    Two things happened today which may or may not be related. First of all the grub countdown is no longer there. Secondly i cant log into my user account, I put my password in, the screen flashes black with terminal writing, and it takes me back to the log in screen. I can log in as a guest,but thats pretty useless as I don't have my files there.

    Update lately? Some grub updates might include a new defaults file that suppresses the grub menu on computers with only one OS detected. Supposedly, if you boot while holding shift you should see the menu.

    As to the other problem: Not being able to log into your home is most often either a full /home partition or some critical file in your home owned by another user - usually root and usually after incorrectly launching a GUI program using "sudo" instead of "kdesudo". Did you do this recently?

    Please Read Me


      Well thats the thing, I have an install of Kubuntu 12.10, and also 12.04, both of which point to same home partition. The 12.04 starts up fine, but the 12.10 hasn't since today. Its possible I made something sudo instead of kdesudo, but I don't remember doing it, if this was the problem, how would I fix it?


        The problem could be elsewhere or could be if your user ID (number, not name) is different on the two installs. Sharing home could be the problem. I don't usually recommend it.

        Log in a guest, then hit CTRL-ATL-F1. This brings you to a terminal. Then try logging in as yourself via "su " and your username. Then type "cat /etc/lsb-release" and "id" (separately) and this should tell you which version you're logged into and what your user id is (should be 1000). Report the results.

        Please Read Me


          Originally posted by Falc7 View Post
          ... I have an install of Kubuntu 12.10, and also 12.04
          If by the grub countdown, you mean the way grub counts down from 60 seconds, and boots the default entry (the first unless you've changed it), that's easily explained. Grub boots from 1 of your installs, and sets a "recordfail" there. If you boot into that install, the flag gets reset by a startup script, but if you boot the other, it won't be reset. On the next restart grub sees the flag and disables the countdown.

          Regards, John Little
          Regards, John Little


            I couldn't log in, it says 'setgid: operation not permitted'

