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Monitor display problem

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    Monitor display problem


    I've just installed kubuntu and am sorting out a number of issues.
    Managed to get MP3s to work, and the printer that's networked via a netgear print server!

    However, my display isn't correctly centred in the monitor. I don't want to adjust the monitor settings, as it's shared (KVM switch) with another PC running windoze and othe linux distros in multi-boot configuration. If I adjust the monitor hardware menu it'll throw everything else out.

    I had a similar problem in Suse 10.0, and managed to find a place in the GUI that allowed me to shift the active area a bit to the lfet so I could see it all on-screen. Can't find similar in Kubuntu.

    I'd prefer to make this adjustment via GUI rather than command line if possible (being a newbie!), but would have a go at the latter given detailed instructions!



    Re: Monitor display problem

    Have you looked around in systemsettings ? Also, maybe it's something to do with Xorg not being configured correctly......try running the command:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    Maybe those two things will get you going in the right direction.


      Re: Monitor display problem

      I was in the same position as you and used the the manual controls on the monitor, expecting to find that I would have to reconfigure it every time that I re-booted in each operating system, but this did not happen monitor is now centred in both systems. It would appear that the monitor recalls the settings for both operating systems automatically?
      But as suggested above do check that you have the correct video driver installed and that you are running at the resolution that you require (same as windoz).

      Regards John

