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Fatal Muon Crash

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    Fatal Muon Crash

    Whilst searching for a web browser on Muon the system glitched. Probably because I wasn't connected to the internet. So mea culpa. A dialog box appeared with a Restart Application button. But trying this only lead to the same dialog box. So I decided to close down the computer and start again with a cold boot. (LEAVE> Shut down > Turn off computer. On restarting and trying muon a dialog box appears again entitled : The muon Software Center - The KDE Crash Handler". But once more clicking Restart Application goes into the same loop.

    The message on the bottom of the dialog box says---"Executable:muon installer PID: 2095 Signal: Segmentation fault (11).

    I started to go through the process of reporting the fault but a message appeared "The generated crashinformation is not useful"

    How do I get back to a working muon?

    have you connected to the Internet before trying to start muon ? and yes you would nead the net for muon to work right !!
    crash info is not useful unless you have the *-dbg package installed for the program in question in this case "muon-dbg" you could get it with apt-get

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Thanks VINNY,
      Originally I was not connected to the internet as I believed that the web browser in muon was already downloaded when I upgraded kubuntu yesterday. Only when going through the steps in muon that I realised this would require a download. After I did the Kubuntu upgrade I found that rekonq no longer worked so I uninstalled it planning to replace it with something else like Chromium or Lynx. I went to muon to see what was available locally. I have tried muon with the ethernet cable in place but no difference. Must KDE/Kubuntu go through a pre-installed browser or is there something at a lower level that allows a connection to the internet?

      Would sudo apt-get install lynx work?

      And what should I now do to get muon back?


        Just a thought.. but could it be that the installation has changed your IP setup? This would effectivly cause web browsers and Muon to be unable to connect.

        Its pretty easy to check if you drop to a Konsole window. First look at your IP adress with ifconfig:

        bweinel@excalibur:~$ ifconfig
        eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:01:6c:cf:3e:d4  
                  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
                  inet6 addr: fe80::201:6cff:fecf:3ed4/64 Scope:Link
                  UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
                  RX packets:44104 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                  TX packets:32661 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
                  RX bytes:46819576 (46.8 MB)  TX bytes:5198743 (5.1 MB)
        lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
                  inet addr:  Mask:
                  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
                  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
                  RX packets:2777 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                  TX packets:2777 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
                  RX bytes:325057 (325.0 KB)  TX bytes:325057 (325.0 KB)
        Take a look at your ethernet interface (normally eth0) and make sure you're seeing a valid IP address and net mask.

        Barring that.. the other area which can cause ethernet connection problems is the DNS configuration. Check that you have a valid DNS server from resolvconf. This can usually be done with nmcli as follows:

        bweinel@excalibur:/etc$ nmcli dev list iface eth0
        GENERAL.DEVICE:                         eth0
        GENERAL.TYPE:                           802-3-ethernet
        GENERAL.VENDOR:                         Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
        GENERAL.PRODUCT:                        RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+
        GENERAL.DRIVER:                         8139too
        GENERAL.DRIVER-VERSION:                 0.9.28
        GENERAL.HWADDR:                         00:01:6C:CF:3E:D4
        GENERAL.STATE:                          100 (connected)
        GENERAL.REASON:                         0 (No reason given)
        GENERAL.UDI:                            /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:01:01.0/net/eth0
        GENERAL.IP-IFACE:                       eth0
        GENERAL.NM-MANAGED:                     yes
        GENERAL.AUTOCONNECT:                    yes
        GENERAL.FIRMWARE-MISSING:               no
        GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/0
        CAPABILITIES.CARRIER-DETECT:            yes
        CAPABILITIES.SPEED:                     100 Mb/s
        WIRED-PROPERTIES.CARRIER:               on
        IP4.ADDRESS[1]:                         ip =, gw =
        I hope this helps troubleshoot and prove if your connection is at fault or not.

        A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. --Albert Einstein


          Like Bill says, without an internet connection nothing will be installed. You could re-install rekong from the install CD but it won't do you much good without an internet connection. Muon doesn't use a web browser to install things, it downloads and install software but doesn't browse web pages to do it. Muon is just a GUI front-end for the installer program. If you do have a working internet connection, you can install anything you like from a terminal using apt-get.

          Please Read Me


            Thanks Bill,
            Yes I just did an ifconfig and the connection to the modem is as in your post mask
            I then pinged my ISP and seems OK --32ms. Any suggestions on how to re-install a browser?



              Open a terminal, type these commands:

              sudo apt-get update
              sudo apt-get install chrome

              Also - the Firefox installer should be in your menu under Applications>Internet>Firefox Installer and finally Konqueror is also a basic web browser.

              Please Read Me


                BTW, the important part of the ifconfig info is inet addr: and then some ip address 192.168.0.XXX

                Please Read Me


                  Repeat post, first seemed to have been lost.
                  I believe I have now downloaded and installed lynx and firefox. But can't see a desktop icon or anything in the menu (bottom left corner). Do I need to activate them from the terminal? If so how?


                    Originally posted by NickOz View Post
                    Repeat post, first seemed to have been lost.
                    I believe I have now downloaded and installed lynx and firefox. But can't see a desktop icon or anything in the menu (bottom left corner). Do I need to activate them from the terminal? If so how?
                    you do not see eather one of them in kickoff(the blue K bottom left)>applications tab>Internet ?

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Ah, yes. I now have fiefox working from the kickoff >applications>internet. This was actually the same item I clicked on to download and install it. I didn't click it again because I thought it would just go through the same process. If it had now simply said Mozilla Firefox instead of the same Mozilla Firefox Browser Installer.....I'm learning....slowly.

                      And I've now found lynx in usr/bin and have it up.

                      So thanks everyone so far.

                      I'm not sure about muon. I've noticed it takes well over a minute when I first click the Konsole desktop icon. A box pops up saying it can't find muon (which I uninstalled 2 days ago). The second click on Konsole and the Terminal is up in seconds. It would be nice to consistently see an hour glass, revolving balls or whatever when the sytem is busy doing something. My only guide is the kickoff button doesn't work?


                        Originally posted by NickOz View Post
                        I'm not sure about muon. I've noticed it takes well over a minute when I first click the Konsole desktop icon. A box pops up saying it can't find muon (which I uninstalled 2 days ago). The second click on Konsole and the Terminal is up in seconds.
                        I do not think anyone understands what you are trying to say ::
                        Konsole and muon are2 different things ,,,,,, if you made a desktop launcher (Konsole desktop icon)and a box pops up talking about muon something is wrong and since their are no desktop icons by default you must have made it wrong
                        Originally posted by NickOz View Post
                        It would be nice to consistently see an hour glass, revolving balls or whatever when the sytem is busy doing something. My only guide is the kickoff button doesn't work?
                        again I dont know what to make of this ,,,,, if kickoff (the blue K bottom left of screen) dosent work how did you get to the firefox launcher?

                        by the way , you do not half to use launchers/desktop icons to start apps. ,, just press alt+F2 and a box will pop up at the top of the screen ,,,,type konsole and press enter ,,,,,,thats it ,,,,you can start any application like this ,,,, if you type dolphin in this box and press enter the file manager will start ,,, if you type firefox and press enter firefox will start , and so on and so on .

                        I suggest you reinstall muon as well or synaptic thay will make it mutch easier for you to find applications that you may want.

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                          If you unlock the widgets and then right-click the Kick-off you get the option to change it to Classical Menu (or such, depends on the language).
                          This should for an ex-XP user be an easier to navigate menu.

                          Don't forget to relock the widgets.

                          If selecting Muon, make sure you take the Package Manager, not the Software Center.


                            Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                            I do not think anyone understands what you are trying to say ::
                            Konsole and muon are2 different things ,,,,,, if you made a desktop launcher (Konsole desktop icon)and a box pops up talking about muon something is wrong and since their are no desktop icons by default you must have made it wrong
                            I think I may have missattributed the delayed response for Konsole to muon when it was more likely that rekong had not completely uninstalled. I kept getting message about not being able to find rekonq after I uninstalled it.

                            Any way I decided to uninstall and reinstall muon. Suddenly in the middle of this I got a message saying that Kubuntu wanted to upgrade, which I accepted. I now have Kubuntu 12.10. Muon is not in kickoff menu but I can run it from the terminal without any problems. I have used firefox and lynx and both work fine.
                            For my large file (~8GiB) downloads I used muon to find and install the download manager wget, which I used from Konsole. wget worked rather well as there was a dropout whilst I was asleep around 1am which wget was able to deal with according to the report when it had finished. I tried running the file on my linux machine but it crashed half way. I then decided to transfer it to my W7 computer via USB drive but again ran into a problem at 89% completion not to mention being very slow over USB1.0. Somewhat reluctantly I then decided to see if I could network the 2 computers over the LAN and surprisingly I could see the folders and files on the W7 in samba but not the reverse. A simple copy and paste did the trick and after about an hour or so the 8GiB had been moved. Again I reran the program in Windows and voila it worked perfectly. So the big file had not been corrupted by the download dropout - hooray for wget. The problem processing it was most likely due to the small RAM in the linux machine. So all is looking a lot better and faster in Kubuntu, although I still have a lot to learn about setting up desktop icons and putting muon back in the kickoff menu and eventually replacing my old linux machine for something bigger. The programs I want to use are all linux based and won't run under Windows.


                              1-what are the specks of your linux box?
                              2-muon should be in Kickoff>applications>system
                              3-if your in the middel of installing reinstalling something you should let it finish before doing a different install .
                              4-just to check that every thing is uptodate run this in a terminal
                              sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
                              if any errors post them .

                              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                              16GB RAM
                              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

