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Mouse snapping?How to turn off

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    Mouse snapping?How to turn off

    Hey guys, Recently jump into the linux world Im enjoying it quite a bit.

    Having an issue with my mouse "snapping" to the left of the screen. I do apologize i might be using the wrong term.

    What happens is, I move my mouse to the right of the screen, it snaps to left of the screen. or another way i can put it, i move to top right corner it snaps to top left corner so i now have to move it all the way back right to close a window
    I do not have dual monitors setup
    I am using amd 13.1 drivers

    This just started recently. Does anyone know how to disable this?

    I have searched through my mouse settings and amd control center and can not find anything
    the only thing i can find online is this

    but wouldnt this hurt my graphics?

    It seems my issue has went away when I switched my amd control center from power-saving gpu to High performance gpu
    Thanks anyways!

