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Distribution upgrade from K12.04 to K12.10 64bit stopped at 68%.

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    it may help to select the option to enable networking (i forget the exact wording) in the recovery mode before entering the root terminal this will do two things

    1. mount your / file system
    2. enable networking so you can fetch packages if you need them.

    then hop into your root terminal and try to finish your upgrade. after you remove those package listed causing you trouble.
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      Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
      Anyway, I am going to try your last recommendation and will let you know what happens.
      Have you had a chance to try my suggestion?

      Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
      I am prepared to re-install if necessary. As much work as it is, it still will take a maximum of perhaps 2 hours to get a result. In any event thanks, professor, for the wonderful ride. Either way, I am happy; I know I added a lot to my education and understanding of Linux systems, thanks to you.
      Deciding whether to try to rescue a system or rebuild from scratch isn't always obvious. When I first started learning Linux in 2009, I broke many, many installs. I became intimately familiar with the installer; I could have a system back up and running in 20 minutes. Eventually I realized this isn't the right way to go, so I resolved myself to tracking down breakage and fixing it when I can. And I have learned a lot more than I ever expected.

      I get the sense that you want to learn some of the thornier details, too -- that's why I've been walking you through all these investigation and troubleshooting steps. But, alas, as helpful as we try to be here on KFN, remote support is always more difficult than being right there in front of the computer. So, again, I admire your persistence. Let us know what you decide to do next.


        My laptop still functions in Vista, so I have a working computer, but in another post that is also not resolved, I lost networking in my Desktop PC. I was attempting to install VirtualBox to run and learn from Kubuntu 13.04. Unable to get it working in full screen, messing around may have been the cause of losing my connection to the Internet, I just don't know. It still functions as a good computer otherwise. So I have been continuing to try to solve both problems. It is difficult to have the two postings keep from crossing eaching.

        Nevertheless, learning how to use and repair my computer is entertainment to me. The only reason I have my laptop is because my daughter wanted me to be able to watch movies on Netflix and gave me the laptop with a Windows application on it.

        Having to deal with the real threat of Virus', spyware, adware and other malicious applications creates a lot of wasted time. And waiting for a download and install of a simple update takes so long it tests your patience. I can't for the life of me understand how Microsoft has been able to keep users loyal to their products.
        My laptop is the computer that has the upgrade problem. My experience with Kubuntu 12.10 on my Desktop PC has been wonderful, that I wanted to upgrade Kubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 on the laptop. Not having much experience upgrading, excepting complete fresh install using a LiveCD, I tried the system upgrade which has its problems.

        Anyway, I had lots of opportunities to compare a recent Kubuntu release with a Microsoft OS. Although I am used to the highly configurable atributes of Kubuntu, I was unaware of how backward Microsoft is on their technology, or at least what they offer in a supposed consumer friendly OS. I remember a 357 package update on my Kubuntu OS that took a few minutes to download, install, and use. I also remember a single update on the Vista OS that took over ten minutes to download, install, and return to work. It makes it very difficult to return to using the Vista OS, except for Netflix, which has been my only use of that OS. When in the Kubuntu OS, I click on an item and am used to immediate response. When I click on a similar item using Vista, the pause is so long sometimes that I find myself re-clicking the mouse, thinking I must have not clicked the first time.

        I am not quitting trying to resume the upgrade to 12.10; I just do not want to abuse your and others time for such a seemingly difficult problem to repair. The only time I will quit the venture and make a fresh install of Kubuntu 12.10 on my laptop, is if something happens to the Vista OS, and I am forced to.

        So, if you are still willing to help and have a suggestion for how to proceed, I wait for your answer. You seem the last to be willing to continue. I know I have thanked you before, but you can not be aware of how much your help has meant to me. As limited as I remain in my abilities to use my comuter, I have learned a bunch from this particular experience. And that is what I appreciate most from this task. So again Thank You, my friend. I am not begging though. I do not want you to remain at the expense of others or even your personal use of your time. I just want you to know it is very appreciated. When able I will pass along what I can to others.


          @Shabakthanai -- I replied to your PM regarding this machine, too. Since it appears the only reason you're keeping Vista is to watch NetFlix, my suggestion would be to rebuild your laptop from scratch, using only Kubuntu 12.10. I know some folks here on the forum have got NetFlix working on Kubuntu. I hope someone with such experience will chime in on this thread.


            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
            @Shabakthanai -- I replied to your PM regarding this machine, too. Since it appears the only reason you're keeping Vista is to watch NetFlix, my suggestion would be to rebuild your laptop from scratch, using only Kubuntu 12.10. I know some folks here on the forum have got NetFlix working on Kubuntu. I hope someone with such experience will chime in on this thread.
            O yes netflix works quite well @hear on my kubuntu-12.10-i386 install ,,,,,,, watching it right now on the VIZIO HD-TV :cool:

            hear is a guide it is quite easy but dose require mono & silverlight ,,,,,,,shhhhhhh dont tell Graygeek he dose not like mono on your linux ........

            sorry GG couldn't resist

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              I have Netflix installed on my Desktop PC now. It is pretty good, however on my system the playback is buggy. It reacts like the buffer can't keep up with the video or sound, and it has jerky little pauses which continue throughout the movie. I still use it. Vista drives me crazy, and all the basic functions are so slow, I can't get used to it. On Kubuntu when I click things happen without a wait, even on my dual-core laptop, but when I do the same things in Vista, there are pauses before action which always cause me to think I did not click properly. The movies, though, do not contain the jumpy characteristics that happen on my Kubuntu distribution. I still watch Netflix with the jumpy characteristics more than I use Vista. I hate to admit it, but Vista makes me impatient. I need to learn to be more patient, but when you have an alternate that doesn't cause the problem, it is harder to control. I wish I knew how to get updates with the Linux version. Maybe it is a fixed bug.


                Originally posted by sithlord48 View Post
                it may help to select the option to enable networking (i forget the exact wording) in the recovery mode before entering the root terminal this will do two things

                1. mount your / file system
                2. enable networking so you can fetch packages if you need them.

                then hop into your root terminal and try to finish your upgrade. after you remove those package listed causing you trouble.
                Thanks for the thought, but it is too late now. I finally reinstalled from scratch, and would you believe it, the new install had problems too. I sure am getting a lot of experience fixin my mistakes. Thanks for the help.


                  Abandoned and re-installing. Thanks!

