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Distribution upgrade from K12.04 to K12.10 64bit stopped at 68%.

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    We're asking you to run fsck in recovery mode for every partition you have. I doubt you have any disk errors, but I want to confirm this first. Only then will I walk you through the steps for remounting your file system as read-write so that you can fix the broken packages.

    The output you showed in post #11 indicates that /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda6 have no errors. This is good. Now check your other partitions. The next question, of course, is "What are they called?" Allow me to tutor you a bit more. In the past, before the advent of UEFI and GPT, we could use the fdisk -l command for a nice, clean list. This won't work on newer machines with GPT style disks, and gdisk, the GPT partition editor, doesn't have a nice clean output. sudo parted -l works for both types of disk. Another way is to simply look directly at the list of devices. Here's how:

    steve@t520:~$ [B]ls -l /dev/sd*[/B]
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Jan 30 19:54 /dev/sda
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Jan 30 19:40 /dev/sda1
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Jan 30 19:40 /dev/sda2
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 3 Jan 30 19:40 /dev/sda3
    We are interested in the items that end with numbers. The above is from my machine, which you can see has three partitions: /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, and /dev/sda3.

    On your machine, while in recovery mode, run the same command: ls -l /dev/sd*. For each item that ends with a number, run fsck and indicate the partition name in the command. Continuing to use my machine as an example, that would be these three commands:

    fsck /dev/sda1
    fsck /dev/sda2
    fsck /dev/sda3
    Report back here with the results. Once we confirm that your partitions are healthy, I'll let you know what to do next.


      I did, but is there anything else I can do?


        In post #9, you ran fsck on /dev/sda1, but not when booted into recovery mode. Since your computer wasn't in recovery mode, fsck threw the warning message. When you booted into recovery mode, your post #11 shows that you ran fsck on /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda3. Thus, there's a discrepancy here, and we need to resolve that.

        Boot your computer into recovery mode, and run the first command I mentioned in post #16. What is the output?


          If you are as smart as I suspect, you will be able to translate what I provide; I had to do this from memory because I didn't have any way to copy it (at least I don't yet know how to). Still I may have remembered enough for you to understand the problem.

          The result gave sda 1-6. sda1 and sda2 had errors, due to ntfs, which I suppose is the Vista OS and partition to save stuff. sda3 said something about mount some time in the future by less than a day. It provided permission to "Fixit", I typed in yes. Then it talked about clean but the numbers were too great to remember. sda4 said something about questioning whether it was a zero-length partition. That's all I can remember from that partition. sda5 talked about 'swap'. sda6 was still on screen for me to copy. This after I got through playing around trying to figure a way to copy to a flash drive. It read as follows:
          Superblock last mount time is in the future (by less than a day, probably due to the hardware clock being incorrectly set).

          I am sending this because I thought you probably could fill in the gaps, even though I left out a lot of data. If you want a copy of the data, please explain the command instruction to select, copy and past the data. I will then paste it into a future post. Sorry to be so incompetent, my friend. I never know what to expect, and I am sure the data scrolled past the starting point before stopping anyway. When I tried to back up to copy long-hand from the beginning, just the commandline appeared to reverse a step at a time. I didn't know how to deal with that. Thanks for your patience.
          Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
          In post #9, you ran fsck on /dev/sda1, but not when booted into recovery mode. Since your computer wasn't in recovery mode, fsck threw the warning message. When you booted into recovery mode, your post #11 shows that you ran fsck on /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda3. Thus, there's a discrepancy here, and we need to resolve that.

          Boot your computer into recovery mode, and run the first command I mentioned in post #16. What is the output?


            Filling in gaps is a bad idea when trying to troubleshoot something. Nevertheless, we can probably proceed.

            Boot into recovery mode and let us know the output of the following three commands:

            cat /etc/fstab
            cat /proc/mounts
            Last edited by SteveRiley; Jan 31, 2013, 06:31 PM.


              root@Yeshuah2:~# cat /etc/fstab
              #  /etc/fstab: static file system information.
              # use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device: this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even # if disks are added ir removed.
              # <file system> <munt point> <type> <options>                         <dump> <pass>
              proc               /proc              proc      nodev, noexec, nosuid        0            0
              # / was on /dev/sda3 during installation
              UUID=f0f36915-fb18-45f0-9921-211a8c698c6b /    ext4   errors=remount-ro   0   1
              # /home was opn /dev/sda6 during installation
              UUID=7d9d0011-fbb0-4450-857f-1c5c60f566da /home    ext4   defaults   0   2
              # swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
              UUID=2c0c7065-a8fa-43c8-bebf-dbe4a64a4e42  none   swap   sw
              root@Yeshuah2:~# mount
              /dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw, errors=remount-ro)
              proc on /proc type proc (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev)
              sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev)
              none on /sys/fs/fuse/ connections type fusect1 (rw)
              none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)
              none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
              none on /dev/devtmpfs (rw, mode=0755)
              none on /run/usr type tmpfs (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev, size=104857600, mode 0755)
              binfmt_ misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev)
              Mount:  warning:  /etc/mtab is not writable (e.g. read-only filesystem.
              It's possible that information reported by mount (8) is not up to date.  For actual information about system mount points check the /proc/mounts file
              root@Yeshuah2:~# cat /proc/mounts
              rootfs / rootfs rw 0  0
              sysfs /sys sysfs rw, nosuid, nodev, noexec, relatime   0   0
              proc /proc proc rw, nosuid, nodev, noexec, relatime   0   0
              udev /dev devtmpfs rw, relatime, size=4076360k, nr_inodes=1019090, mode=755   0   0
              devpts /dev/pts devpts rw, nosuid, noexec, relatime, gid=5, mode=620, ptmxmode=000   0   0
              tmpfs /run/ tmpfs rw, nosuid, relatime, size=1635360k, mode=755   0   0
              /dev/disk/by-UUID/f0f36915-fb18-45f0-9921-211a8c698cb0 / ext4 roo, relatime, user_xattr, barrier=1, data=ordered   0   0
              It occurs to me that nothing I did changed anything the last time I made a reply, so I can go back and fill in the gaps, if necessary. I don't know what I was thinking. I was straining to remember, hoping I remembered enough. This time, I was more careful. I think it was good to hand-write then type the information. I got used to a lot of terms that baffled me totally before. Now they just baffle me. Hah!

              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
              Filling in gaps is a bad idea when trying to troubleshoot something. Nevertheless, we can probably proceed.

              Boot into recovery mode and let us know the output of the following three commands:

              cat /etc/fstab
              cat /proc/mounts
              Last edited by SteveRiley; Jan 31, 2013, 06:32 PM.


                A couple favors, if I may. First, when you're supplying the output of running a program, please surround that output with CODE tags:

                * begin a CODE section by typing a left bracket [ then the word CODE and finally a right bracket ]
                * type the text
                * end a CODE section by typing a left bracket [ then a forward slash / then the word CODE and finally a right bracket ]

                Second, please begin your replies to posts here below the quoted portion, not above. It's easier to to follow.


                Although we're still missing the output of that ls command I asked for in posts #16 ad #18, there's enough other information that we can proceed.

                Boot once more into recovery mode. Run:
                mount -o remount,rw /
                This will attempt to remount your root file system from read-only to read-write. If you receive no error, then run:
                dpkg --configure -a
                Let us know what happened.

                (BTW, thanks for catching my typo there -- I omitted the "s" at the end of "/proc/mounts." I fixed the posts for future reference.)


                  Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                  A couple favors, if I may. First, when you're supplying the output of running a program, please surround that output with CODE tags:

                  * begin a CODE section by typing a left bracket [ then the word CODE and finally a right bracket ]
                  * type the text
                  * end a CODE section by typing a left bracket [ then a forward slash / then the word CODE and finally a right bracket ]

                  Second, please begin your replies to posts here below the quoted portion, not above. It's easier to to follow.


                  Although we're still missing the output of that ls command I asked for in posts #16 ad #18, there's enough other information that we can proceed.

                  Boot once more into recovery mode. Run:
                  mount -o remount,rw /
                  This will attempt to remount your root file system from read-only to read-write. If you receive no error, then run:
                  dpkg --configure -a
                  Let us know what happened.

                  (BTW, thanks for catching my typo there -- I omitted the "s" at the end of "/proc/mounts." I fixed the posts for future reference.)
                  mount -o remount, rw /

                  if there isn’t an error run the following:

                  dpkg --configure -a

                  runlevel;: /var/run/utmp: no such file or directory
                  Starting RoarAudio: _

                  Setting up w3-dtd-mathml ( ...
                  update-catalog: Suppressing action on super catalog. Invoking trigger instead.
                  update-catalog: Please rebuild the package being set up with a version of debhe1 per fixing #477751.
                  Setting up sdc1-source (2: ...
                  Setting up libccid (1.4.7-1) ...
                  Setting up svn2cl (0.13-2) ...
                  Setting up slpd (1.2.1-9) ...
                  + [ configure = configure ]
                  + dpkg --compare-versions le 1.2.1-7.6
                  + echo Reinstalling init script for new priorities ...
                  Reinstalling init script for new priorities ...
                  + update-rc.d slpd remove
                  update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/slpd exists during rc.d purge (use 0f to force)
                  dpkg: error processing slpd (--configure):
                  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
                  Setting up system-config-printer-udev (1.3.11+20120807-Oubuntu10) ...
                  Setting up virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin (6.1.6+repack-Oubuntu1) ...
                  Setting up srtp-utils (1.4.4+20100615~dfsg-1build1) ...
                  Setting up db-util (5.1.6) ...
                  Setting up synaptic (0.75.12build1) ...
                  Setting up python3-defer (1.0.6-2) ...
                  Setting up roaraudio (1.0~beta2-3) ...
                  runlevel:/var/run/utmp: No such file or directory
                  Starting RoarAudio: _

                  If I recall, this is the same place it stalled in the beginning.
                  Last edited by Snowhog; Jan 31, 2013, 09:26 PM.


                    Is there a command line instruction that will permit me to copy the data from the konsole to a flash drive? I remember hand writing the 'ls' you mentioned and putting it into a reply, however I did something wrong and the data disappeared and I could not find it. I was too frustrated by the loss to go back and re-type all that data; I planned to do it later after I cooled a bit, but forgot. I am missing a finger, so it is difficult for me to type without making mistakes. When typing computer data, there are so many characters that I am not used to using, my fingers don't go to those keys easily and I make mistakes. As a result, it takes me a long time to complete a good text. I don't mean to make excuses, but I am used to cutting and pasting as much of the data results and command line entries as possible to eliminate the mistakes. When working from a konsole, I miss the ability to select the desired data, copy and paste it to a word processor document, then transfer it by cut and paste to a reply. I usually do this in Dolphin with a konsole at the bottom. I believe I screwed up my attempt to what you asked with the code last reply and am trying again. Hope it works. I hate disappointing you. I really am not lazy, just slightly incompetent.
                    Last edited by Snowhog; Jan 31, 2013, 09:27 PM.


                      That didn't work very well. I will try again.
                      Last edited by Snowhog; Jan 31, 2013, 09:27 PM.


                        [[CODE]What I am trying to do is make the box you make and make the content using bold print.[CODE]]


                          [B]Last attempt, it looks like I missed the '/' on 'CODE'. [/B]


                            [B]This is really the last attempt.[/B]


                              Yay! You got the CODE tags working in post #28.

                              Now, looking back at post #23... you appear to have some unusual stuff on your computer. Specifically, that RoarAudio package. RoarAudio is a networked sound system. Do you know why that might be installed on your computer? I'm not aware of any ordinary multimedia programs that require it, and PulseAudio (the default for all Ubuntus) does everything most people need.

                              I'm running out of ideas for you, but perhaps removing that package would be helpful, unless you know you need it. Boot into recovery mode and run the following. I'm including the remount command from last time, in case your root file system still mounts read-only. The second command is what I'm really interested in. It's a simulation of removing these possibly troublesome packages -- the output tells us what would happen if you actually removed them, but in reality nothing is removed.

                              mount -o remount,rw /
                              apt-get -s purge roaraudio libroar2 libroar-compat2 roarclients muroard libroar-plugins-universal slpd libslp1
                              Note: the second command may wrap into two lines on your screen. It should be typed all in one line, regardless of what you see on the forum web page.


                                Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                                Yay! You got the CODE tags working in post #28.

                                Now, looking back at post #23... you appear to have some unusual stuff on your computer. Specifically, that RoarAudio package. RoarAudio is a networked sound system. Do you know why that might be installed on your computer? I'm not aware of any ordinary multimedia programs that require it, and PulseAudio (the default for all Ubuntus) does everything most people need.

                                I'm running out of ideas for you, but perhaps removing that package would be helpful, unless you know you need it. Boot into recovery mode and run the following. I'm including the remount command from last time, in case your root file system still mounts read-only. The second command is what I'm really interested in. It's a simulation of removing these possibly troublesome packages -- the output tells us what would happen if you actually removed them, but in reality nothing is removed.

                                mount -o remount,rw /
                                apt-get -s purge roaraudio libroar2 libroar-compat2 roarclients muroard libroar-plugins-universal slpd libslp1
                                Note: the second command may wrap into two lines on your screen. It should be typed all in one line, regardless of what you see on the forum web page.
                                Apparently the site timed out and I lost my reply. Ouch. I thought I could refresh the page without losing my reply.

                                I have no idea about how or why RoarAudio became a part of the upgrade. I did not request or choose it. So, if removal will allow things to proceed, that's what I want to do. If it needs to be included, I will add it later. Thanks my friend. It looks like the end of a very long road. Maybe not the end we were looking for, but with no stone unturned, I am not ashamed of the effort. Anyway, I am going to try your last recommendation and will let you know what happens. I am prepared to re-install if necessary. As much work as it is, it still will take a maximum of perhaps 2 hours to get a result. In any event thanks, professor, for the wonderful ride. Either way, I am happy; I know I added a lot to my education and understanding of Linux systems, thanks to you.

