If betas are not to be discussed please do not post. I installed Kubuntu 13.04 in a Virtual machine. Attempting to download another recommended Operating System, torrent was their recommended method of uploading the OS. Since 13.04 is new to me, I have not configured Ktorrent yet. When I attempted to do so, I was refused making folders in Dolphin to contain torrent downloads, completed downloads and torrents.
I opened Dolphin using kdesudo thinking I had a permissions problem. I was not permitted to create a folder using kdesudo dolphin either. I have not experienced this type of problem in any other distribution of Kubuntu and am bit baffled. Is this a beta bug, or is it a mistake on my part? Thanks!
I opened Dolphin using kdesudo thinking I had a permissions problem. I was not permitted to create a folder using kdesudo dolphin either. I have not experienced this type of problem in any other distribution of Kubuntu and am bit baffled. Is this a beta bug, or is it a mistake on my part? Thanks!