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Problems with partitions on an external HD

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    Problems with partitions on an external HD

    The title says it all.

    I wiped the original partitions, and created new ones, to suit how I use them. There are now four, all primary. One is NTFS, a backup for Windows, the other three are EXT3.

    If I open Dolphin, they're all there, and I can open them, but I can't do anything with the last three (such as create a new folder, copy something, etc). UNLESS, I right-click and choose "OPEN WITH DOLPHIN". Then, up pops the partition in a 2nd window, and I can create, copy, whatever.

    I've been into System Settings, and set all Removable Devices to Automount on login and attachment

    Previously, as soon as Dolphin opened, they "worked" - can I get them that way again?


    Originally posted by jollyjack View Post
    If I open Dolphin, they're all there, and I can open them, but I can't do anything with the last three (such as create a new folder, copy something, etc). UNLESS, I right-click and choose "OPEN WITH DOLPHIN". Then, up pops the partition in a 2nd window, and I can create, copy, whatever.
    Hmm, that sounds suspicious. Ext partitions store owners and permissions which default to root on a new partition. This is why you cannot write to them. If you are the only one who needs to access them then you should change the owner to your user.

    Though I am not sure why open with dolphin works...

    Some useful commands :
    ls -la /path/to/mount


      Originally posted by james147 View Post
      Hmm, that sounds suspicious. Ext partitions store owners and permissions which default to root on a new partition. This is why you cannot write to them. If you are the only one who needs to access them then you should change the owner to your user.

      Though I am not sure why open with dolphin works...

      Some useful commands :
      ls -la /path/to/mount

      I don't remember having to change ownership the last time I created and used these partitions. Could I have defined myself as owner when I created them? If that's the case, why don't I just reformat/repartition the HD, and put my user ID in place?

      Or, if not, is there an easy way/simple command to change ownership? (I don't use the CLI as a rule.....)



        Originally posted by jollyjack View Post
        I don't remember having to change ownership the last time I created and used these partitions. Could I have defined myself as owner when I created them? If that's the case, why don't I just reformat/repartition the HD, and put my user ID in place?

        Or, if not, is there an easy way/simple command to change ownership? (I don't use the CLI as a rule.....)

        OK, I've managed to change the ownership.

        I have Root Actions as an option in the context menu in Dolphin, so I could open /root/media as Root, which gave me access to the properties of each partition. One of the properties is "permissions" ie ownership.


        Thanks, james147, for explaining the problem in the first place. I wouldn't have known where to start looking, otherwise.



          Hi JollyJack, I have read this and your previous post. I think I understand where you are coming from and the kind of help you need. If you leave me a message here at the forum, (Look at the top of this screen for "Private Messages", I will reply with my personal email address and/or telephone number. I believe if we could speak freely without the delay of a post and response, I could help you a lot and make things much easier for you while you are getting used to the differences between your former Operating System and Kubuntu. When I made the transition from Windows 98 to Kubuntu Feisty, I sounded much like you in my initial posts. I am an old man with enough time on my hands to be useful to you and willing to help. Just address your message to Shabakthanai. If you leave a message, include information such as: The version of Kubuntu that you have installed on your computer and your computer details, ie. processor and speed, memory. It will let me know whether you can benefit from the great capability of a Kubuntu OS. My OS is Kubuntu 12.10 KDE 4.9.4, and I have an AMD Quad with 4mb SDRAM. If you have similar or greater, you can get everything out of the Kubuntu OS. I would respond to your post, for the benefit of other Novice Members, however, I believe I need to talk about lots of things that do not relate to correcting your problem to help you best. I am not sure, but I think that might annoy the administrators. If you contact me and things are like I suspect, I will keep a record and post a tutorial for the forum's consideration, covering what we do, and for the benefit of others.
          Originally posted by jollyjack View Post
          The title says it all.

          I wiped the original partitions, and created new ones, to suit how I use them. There are now four, all primary. One is NTFS, a backup for Windows, the other three are EXT3.

          If I open Dolphin, they're all there, and I can open them, but I can't do anything with the last three (such as create a new folder, copy something, etc). UNLESS, I right-click and choose "OPEN WITH DOLPHIN". Then, up pops the partition in a 2nd window, and I can create, copy, whatever.

          I've been into System Settings, and set all Removable Devices to Automount on login and attachment

          Previously, as soon as Dolphin opened, they "worked" - can I get them that way again?



            FYI, the command to change owner ship is chown and the command to fiddle with permissions is chmod​ (there are lots of guides on how to use these online if you are interested).

            Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
            the kind of help you need. If you leave me a message here at the forum, (Look at the top of this screen for "Private Messages", I will reply with my personal email address and/or telephone number. I believe if we could speak freely without the delay of a post and response, I could help you a lot and make things much easier for you
            That is not what these forums are for, posting public messages about help means anyone can help and others can benefit from the posts. If you just send private messages then you lose quite allot of the benefit from the forums. If you want real time help I recommend the #kubuntu irc channel which has similar benefits of allowing anyone to help you (or correct mistakes the other helpers make).

