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Want to remove LibreOffice and install OpenOffice Kubuntu 12.10

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    Want to remove LibreOffice and install OpenOffice Kubuntu 12.10

    Admin note. The posts involving VirtualBox problems and solutions have been moved into a new thread: Need help properly configuring VirtualBox and guest additions


    Kubuntu 12.10 KDE 4.9.3

    Because I do not use LibreOffice in an office environment, I don't understand it's use very well. In the past, I used OpenOffice, which always met my needs. I believe LibreOffice may be more for the office worker, perhaps not for me.

    I was typing a document that is 2 pages long. All of a sudden, my screen had both pages side by side. I can see how that might be useful for a secretary, however, I am now unable to edit the work. I cannot find an understandable option to correct this problem.

    I attempted to remove LibreOffice and install OpenOffice. When I completed removal of LibreOffice, I was unable to install OpenOffice using Muon Package Manager.

    I only want to be able to have all documents work when being sent something written, to be able to successfully copy the things I want to save, and to be able to send written data to friends and loved ones. Most importantly, I want to be able to edit any document I write; I want to be able to correct my mistakes after reviewing my written work and before anyone else reads it. I don't need any of the bells and whistles offered in the fancy office programs. I don't care if they are there; I just won't use the ones I don't need.

    I do like to be able to change the font size and font, and to change the colors of backgrounds and font color, but these things are not essential.

    I am sorry to appear frustrated, but when things change and I have no idea of how or why, I get frustrated. Thanks for any help toward a solution.
    Last edited by SteveRiley; Jan 31, 2013, 02:00 AM.

    open muon and click on settings, click configure software sources and find the virtualbox repository and remove it. Then update.

    or type
    sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list
    Find the line containing virtualbox and remove it. Save the file.

    Then run
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo add-apt-repository ppapenoffice-pkgs/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install openoffice
    not sure that is going to be a better option but if that is what you want it should work.
    Last edited by pauly; Jan 18, 2013, 02:23 PM.


      it's not necessary to remove libreoffice to try open office but if you want to remove it use muon.


        The original post appears to describe two unrelated problems: replacing LibreOffice with OpenOffice and fixing a broken VirtualBox install. Is my reading correct?
        Last edited by SteveRiley; Jan 18, 2013, 04:31 PM.


          Just so you know, libreoffice is a fork of openoffice which most of the original developers from openoffice moved to after Oracle started to butcher their software. This is one reason ubuntu now uses libreoffice instead of openoffice.

          Given then I am not sure why you are having so much difficulty with it over openoffice and libreoffice should be able to do everything openoffice can (and probably more since it has more active developers then openoffice).

          FYI, oracle seem to have just forgotten about openoffice or are ignoring it as it doesn't produce any money for them which is why libreoffice took off so well.


            Originally posted by james147 View Post
            Just so you know, libreoffice is a fork of openoffice which most of the original developers from openoffice moved to after Oracle started to butcher their software. This is one reason ubuntu now uses libreoffice instead of openoffice.

            FYI, oracle seem to have just forgotten about openoffice or are ignoring it as it doesn't produce any money for them which is why libreoffice took off so well.
            Indeed, OpenOffice languished quite a lot under Oracle's "tutelage." Some time ago, Oracle donated OpenOffice to the Apache Foundation, which classified it as an incubation project for a while. OpenOffice is now out of incubation and broadly available. However, its development has stalled, and while LibreOffice is about to release a major update, OpenOffice remains rather stuck in the past.

            Originally posted by pauly View Post
            it's not necessary to remove libreoffice to try open office but if you want to remove it use muon.
            OpenOffice is no longer included in any of the *buntu repositories. To install it, you'll need to download the .deb installers. Both office suites use the file /usr/bin/soffice, so if you want to leave LibreOffice installed and also install OpenOffice, you'll first need to remove that particular file. Alternately, you can, as Pauly suggested, completely remove LibreOffice first.

            However: allow me to discourage you from going that route. LibreOffice enjoys active development, while OpenOffice languishes. Furthermore, OpenOffice looks absolutely atrocious on KDE/Kubuntu. I just installed the the thing the other day, in fact, purely to check up on its development. The font rendering is abysmal, and the overall user experience left me feeling rather frustrated.


              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
              Indeed, OpenOffice languished quite a lot under Oracle's "tutelage." Some time ago, Oracle donated OpenOffice to the Apache Foundation, which classified it as an incubation project for a while. OpenOffice is now out of incubation and broadly available. However, its development has stalled, and while LibreOffice is about to release a major update, OpenOffice remains rather stuck in the past.

              OpenOffice is no longer included in any of the *buntu repositories. To install it, you'll need to download the .deb installers. Both office suites use the file /usr/bin/soffice, so if you want to leave LibreOffice installed and also install OpenOffice, you'll first need to remove that particular file. Alternately, you can, as Pauly suggested, completely remove LibreOffice first.

              However: allow me to discourage you from going that route. LibreOffice enjoys active development, while OpenOffice languishes. Furthermore, OpenOffice looks absolutely atrocious on KDE/Kubuntu. I just installed the the thing the other day, in fact, purely to check up on its development. The font rendering is abysmal, and the overall user experience left me feeling rather frustrated.

              yes I know but I had given him the command to install the open office ppa. So it would have been there assuming he did. But alas we are helping someone who started a thread and gave up.


                Originally posted by pauly View Post
                install the open office ppa. So it would have been there assuming he did
                That PPA has builds only for Hardy and Karmic, and points to updated builds for Lucid and Maverick. It has nothing for any release since then, so it won't work for Quantal.


                  Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                  That PPA has builds only for Hardy and Karmic, and points to updated builds for Lucid and Maverick. It has nothing for any release since then, so it won't work for Quantal.
                  oh okay I missed that.


                    Yes, OpenOffice has been replaced by LibreOffice. You can also try kWrite, or if you really want simplicity- you could just use GoogleDocs or ThinkFree Office
                    Registered Linux User 545823


                      Originally posted by jpenguin View Post
                      Yes, OpenOffice has been replaced by LibreOffice. You can also try kWrite, or if you really want simplicity- you could just use GoogleDocs or ThinkFree Office
                      You forgot KDEs Calligra Suite (formally koffice)


                        Newest OpenOffice 3.4.1 US-English Debian 64bit here.

                        You have to manually install the .debs but I think it includes a text file with instructions.

                        Please Read Me


                          I did remove it and installed AbiWord so that I would have a word processor. I am amazed at the download rate, when I upgraded KDE the rate was over 1000kbs. I am not knowledgeable enough to know if that is unusual; it is just the slowest download rate I can remember is about 300kb/s
                          Originally posted by pauly View Post
                          it's not necessary to remove libreoffice to try open office but if you want to remove it use muon.


                            I have plenty of disk space; I will probably re-install. Thanks for the additional input.
                            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                            Indeed, OpenOffice languished quite a lot under Oracle's "tutelage." Some time ago, Oracle donated OpenOffice to the Apache Foundation, which classified it as an incubation project for a while. OpenOffice is now out of incubation and broadly available. However, its development has stalled, and while LibreOffice is about to release a major update, OpenOffice remains rather stuck in the past.

                            OpenOffice is no longer included in any of the *buntu repositories. To install it, you'll need to download the .deb installers. Both office suites use the file /usr/bin/soffice, so if you want to leave LibreOffice installed and also install OpenOffice, you'll first need to remove that particular file. Alternately, you can, as Pauly suggested, completely remove LibreOffice first.

                            However: allow me to discourage you from going that route. LibreOffice enjoys active development, while OpenOffice languishes. Furthermore, OpenOffice looks absolutely atrocious on KDE/Kubuntu. I just installed the the thing the other day, in fact, purely to check up on its development. The font rendering is abysmal, and the overall user experience left me feeling rather frustrated.


                              Shoot, I just hit a bump in the road. Libre didn't work for a bit. I needed to finish what I was doing and couldn't continue, so not knowing all the stuff you guys are telling me now, I remembered how I never had any problems with OpenOffice and was troubled I could not get it. Now, I feel a bit stupid, being unaware of all my current info on the subject. I am going to take all of your advice. I have figured out how to do the work regardless, but I will do as you recommend. Thanks.
                              Originally posted by james147 View Post
                              Just so you know, libreoffice is a fork of openoffice which most of the original developers from openoffice moved to after Oracle started to butcher their software. This is one reason ubuntu now uses libreoffice instead of openoffice.

                              Given then I am not sure why you are having so much difficulty with it over openoffice and libreoffice should be able to do everything openoffice can (and probably more since it has more active developers then openoffice).

                              FYI, oracle seem to have just forgotten about openoffice or are ignoring it as it doesn't produce any money for them which is why libreoffice took off so well.

