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Can printer software be configured to select the portion of screen desired?

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    Can printer software be configured to select the portion of screen desired?

    Kubuntu 12.10 KDE 4.9.3 I wanted to copy the tutorial to a hard copy. First I set the screen to portrait. When I printed the document, the focus of the website, being the tutorial, was trimmed and parts of the screen shots, including data were trimmed, nonetheless, the advertisements on either side remained. Since the object of the project was to print the tutorial, I changed from portrait to horizon to see if I could include the data on the screen shots. The result was the same; data was trimmed from the tutorial grafics and data, but the advertisements were preserved. This is nuts! Who would ever want to keep a hard copy of commercial ads? The whole objective of making the hard copy is to preserve the contents of the presentation.

    Nevertheless, I was never able to find configurable changes that would solve the problem.

    Is there printer software that will function in my Operating System that permits selecting a part of screen that runs several pages and can trim unwanted portions of the screen? An additional benefit of this would be to be able to increase font size for the printable area and still contain all the data, making for easier reading.

    Another good reason for doing this is, when you have only one monitor and are following the tutorial step by step, you are able to install the application with less difficulty. You are not required to go back and forth from tutorial screen to installation screen, as you install the project. Thanks!

    The page dose not load here (DNS error) but you might be able to save the page (without the css) then print out the parts that you want, if edit the file to remove the parts that you do not want (or remove the contents div and delete everything else, except the html frame that is). That is the quickest and cleanest way to do it that I can think of.


      Dear James,
      I don't think I am knowledgeable enough to be able to follow your instructions, nevertheless I will attempt to save the page and edit. If I am not successful, I will revisit this site. Thanks!


        I feel a bit stupid. Using the link that I previously posted, I got the same problem. I don't understand, I copied and pasted it from the addressbar. I returned to my browsing history and could not find the site, nor find it by attempting a google search as before, so I am unable to even attempt your suggestion. I am sorry for abusing your time.
        Originally posted by james147 View Post
        The page dose not load here (DNS error) but you might be able to save the page (without the css) then print out the parts that you want, if edit the file to remove the parts that you do not want (or remove the contents div and delete everything else, except the html frame that is). That is the quickest and cleanest way to do it that I can think of.


          Depending on what browser you are using, you should be able to save the web page using Save As, and then choosing "Save web page complete". Then you can open it in Libreoffice. That should allow you to trim out the things you don't want, and give you more control over what gets printed. The only other alternative I can think of is to save the web page and then open it with an html editor, edit it, and then open it in your browser, but this might be a long process.
          We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


            Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
            Dear James,
            I don't think I am knowledgeable enough to be able to follow your instructions, nevertheless I will attempt to save the page and edit. If I am not successful, I will revisit this site. Thanks!
            One way: create a file with the contents:
            <!DOCTYPE html><html>
            <!-- Paste the contents div below this line -->
            1. In chromium (I think firefox has similar tools) right click somewhere near the top the content you want (on the first header is a good idea)
            2. Select "Inspect element"
            3. Mouse over the divs that appeared at the bottom until you find the one that highlights all the content you want
            4. Right click on it > copy as html
            5. Paste it into the document you created above in side the <body> </body> element.

            One problem is that this will break the images, you will either need to download all the images from the site and place them where they need to be or edit all the image tags (the <img> tags) to use the full url of the image (normally by adding the to the start of the src)

            Alternatively you can save the entire document and remove the bits you don't want, using chromium might still be useful as the element inspector highlights the elements on the page so you can more easily find the parts you want.

            Or, maby a better way, use chromium (you might be able to do this in Firefox as well with the right extension) use the element inspector (F12, or right click the page > inspect element) to delete the nodes for the parts of the page you don't want (right click them > inspect element to find near where they are in the document), then print the document from the browser


              Dear James and DrDruid,

              Thanks for the perfect help. As I implemented your advice, it all made sense. I copied the page and edited out "all comments". The result was perfect. All the information filled out each page, so the font was at a maximum size for the page. I am so greatful for the patience and care that you special helpers at the Kubuntu Forum provide. It was all so understandable too, and a permanent solution that I will remember.

