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Can anyone install and use this viewer in 12.10 ?

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    Can anyone install and use this viewer in 12.10 ?

    I used to be able to install the infoslipsviewer in Kubuntu, but alas no longer. Some financial institutions force it onto you to view statements etc.
    You need a java environment. The infoslips (ext. ifs) open in Firefox. I have a sample .ifs file that I could possibly upload here - it's contents are a small .png
    saying that you have successfully opened your infoslip.
    The site:-

    This is how I tried to install ..

    cd ~/Desktop/infoViewer_linux_1_0_0_5/
    You are now in the directory and can execute the script.
    ~$ sudo sh

    This will install the viewer.

    When you get the test document and you try to open it you may get an error message related
    to the known issues shown below. In that case obtain the 'AppleJavaExtensions.jar' file.

    | 4. Known Issues
    > +=========================-
    > * Illegal key size or default parameters:
    > This error is linked to the Java runtime environment. Please make sure you have the latest version.
    > * java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/apple/eawt/ApplicationListener:
    > The Application Listener is not included in the latest Java version. In order to fix this problem,
    > please contact Technical Support to obtain a copy of 'AppleJavaExtensions.jar' file.
    > This file must me copied to the same location as the InfoSlips ForMe. Viewer application file.

    Right click on the Test Document.ifs > select Properties>Open With
    click 'Add'>'Use a Custom Command' and browse to the 'infoslipsviewer' file.
    Double click on it to select and then click Open.
    That's it - your .ifs should open.

    (I was previously able to use it with 12.04)

    The install part is of course easy and so are the file associations, but when it comes to opening the test .ifs file the viewer hangs. I would like to upload the little test .ifs if permitted - maybe rename it or something ?
    Last edited by weha; Dec 30, 2012, 09:17 AM. Reason: small changes

    Let me know whether I should attach the test .ifs file, to enable you to see whether you can open it. (See previous post).

    Also all the best for the New Year !


      Hmm.. no takers eh ?
      It will only take a few minutes to install, once installed I can upload the test .ifs file. If you can open it I must be doing something wrong. If not I will
      ask the institution to send me pdf's in future.
      (There is also a .desktop file which they say should be placed in /usr/share/applications - on download I noticed a red exclamation mark on the icon)


        Have you tried the different java machines you can install, including the one from Sun? In 12.10 the default java is openjdk 7, though you can also install version 6 as well (this is the version in 12.04, and can be installed from your package manager.)

        All three (or more) can be installed concurrently, you can choose a default one by looking here:

        I'd bet that using the version that worked in 12.04 will be the ticket.


          Originally posted by claydoh View Post
          Have you tried the different java machines you can install, including the one from Sun? In 12.10 the default java is openjdk 7, though you can also install version 6 as well (this is the version in 12.04, and can be installed from your package manager.)

          All three (or more) can be installed concurrently, you can choose a default one by looking here:

          I'd bet that using the version that worked in 12.04 will be the ticket.
          I tried all that, with the exception of openjdk version 7. On 12.04 I had Oracle's version 7u9 (there is a 7u10 version but it is not a security update so I haven't installed it).
          On 12.10 I also have 7u9 installed to the same location as in 12.04. Maybe I am doing something wrong.
          Anyway, I will just instruct the institution concerned to send in pdf format. I hate it when stuff like that gets forced on clients, even more so when it involves java, the most prolific attack vector known to 'computing man'


            All solved after I additionally installed openjdk-jre7 which pulled addditional packages incl. java common and ca certificates.*
            Thread can be marked as solved.


              You can mark this as [SOLVED] in the "thread tools" menu at the top of the page

