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Disable IPV6 in Kubuntu 12.10 64bit.

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    Disable IPV6 in Kubuntu 12.10 64bit.

    I'm new to Kubuntu which is why I'm asking for help with what I'm sure is a very basic question for a more experienced user. I bought a new laptop with Windows 8 with the untention of installing Ubuntu. Eventually I decided I just couldn't live with Ubuntu, it was very buggy and difficult to get on with due to very illogical user interfaces. In the end I went with Kubuntu which is far more logical. The issue I'm trying to address is the slow internet which I hear can be fixed by disabling the IPV6. After a lot of hours googling I found instructions to disable it with code which doesn't work in Kubuntu. I cannot find a working method to do this with Kubuntu but I have managed to figure out that the IPV6 is set on my PC. Any help with this would be massively appreciated because I'm really not keen on the idea of going back to any version of Windows.

    I wrote down these methods. I believe both work. Method 2 requires no command line action if you have the Grub2 Bootloader system settings module installed (kde-config-grub2).

    Method 1:


    # IPv6
    net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
    net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
    net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

    then sysctl -p

    Method 2:

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”ipv6.disable=1 quiet splash”


      Thanks very much for the reply but it didn't work. The first gave me back an error, permission denied and the second didn't recognise the command. I'm going to start googling the permission issue but if there's advice you can offer it would be great. I'm pretty close to giving up on Linux completely. It's very buggy, it never seems to work quite right, my screen keeps cracking up, it hangs after standby and forgets settings and a big part of my job is writing files to print at work and the formatting is usually messed up really badly even though it's meant to be compatible. Can someone point me in the direction of some fixes for this. I can't go back to Kubuntu 20.04, it won't drive my touch screen and the setup for that in 12.10 is sketchy at best. I can't get on with Ubunutu, it's painful to use. It's like they've taken windows and tried to show how much cleverer they are and totally dropped the ball doing it. Windows 8 is too intrusive and has big design issues. 7 did seem reliable but I'm sick of having a big lump of spyware installed on my computer. I want to soldier on with Kubuntu, I like the interface and it's basically sound. Perhaps I can wind it back to the previous Kubuntu and install some kind of touch screen driver?


        For the first method, "/etc/sysctl.conf" is the file you need to edit with your favorite text editor. In a terminal,

        kdesudo kate /etc/sysctl.conf

        add the 4 lines shown, save and exit, then

        sudo sysctl -p

        The second method is similar. In a terminal,

        kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub

        change the indicated line to add the ipv6 bit, save and exit, then

        sudo update-grub

        and reboot.

        I don't have a touchscreen, so no help there.


          Yeah, that seemed to do the trick and if anyone is in the same boat then the internet loading times are markedly improved. Thanks very much for your help, it's much appreciated. The touch-screen seems a bit of an over-rated novelty at the moment rather than something useful


            jtw000, Just some general comments regarding your OS frustration:

            If you're new-ish to linux, I would suggest you install 12.04 and stick with it for a year or more. It a Long Term Release which means it will be supported for five years. Then, if you want to try out the latest and greatest versions - learn how to dual-boot so you can install and try the new one but keep the LTS around to use every day.

            You didn't state what kind of hardware you're using but if it has a touchscreen it's likely rather new. This usually means that it will be at least several months for any incompatability issues to show up and be resolved. This is the nature of an OS that is not directly supported by the manufacturers.

            Lastly, linux in general is a fast moving target. In the amount of time that XP went from release (2001) to Service Pack 3 (2008), Ubuntu went through more than 18 major updates.

            If you're used to the slow slugging along that XP had, stick with the LTS release for it's entire lifecycle and maybe you'll be happier. If you want to be closer to the cutting edge, you'll have to be willing to put up with an issues or three along the way. It's how problems are resolved - user trial-and-error.

            Please Read Me


              If one only wants to "try" new distros or releases of the one they are using another alternative which doesn't require rebooting is to install a VM and make the new distro or version a "guest". VirtualBox is in the respository and works very well.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

