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full recovery CD for Kubuntu?

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    full recovery CD for Kubuntu?

    Yesterday when I made a fully uppgrade in ADEPT and rebooted my computer Kubuntu just wouldnt start. Just before the login-screen would show the a blackscreen was shown with Kubuntu like this
    but without text under the logo. It crashed.

    I lost all my files because I had to reinstall Kubuntu (latest).

    I'm now back with Kubuntu in my Mac iBook G4, but scare to death if this would happen again.

    Is there a way making a Fully recovery cd that you can restart your computer with and then the CD by automatic restore everything as it was?

    Re: full recovery CD for Kubuntu?

    I've had to Install/Re-Install Kubuntu several times at first, until I got the problems fixed.
    I always COPY my Important Files to a Flash Drive or CD BEFORE I start a Re-Install.
    Copy them onto my Laptop for safe keeping.
    It only takes about 20 minutes to Install Kubuntu, then maybe 10 more setting up my Desktop the way I like. (When I used to use M$ windoze, it took 2 or more hours every time I reinstalled > )
    Then I set Adept to Install the software I want.
    I haven't had any problems with Kubuntu now for several months.
    I have Linspire and Kubuntu on this Desktop now.
    I have completely removed Micro$oft from my PC, Hurah for Linux !
    I never Fully Upgrade !
    I only Upgrade that which I know I want or need.
    "Don't fix what isn't broke"!
    The Truly Educated Never Graduate!


      Re: full recovery CD for Kubuntu?

      I never had problems upgrading, maybe it's because I follow these steps:

      1) I never use Adept, always use Synaptic.
      2) Visit the forums for a few days to find out about common bugs and problems.
      3) Check the "download only" checkbox, so I can have all needed debs safely in my HDD. Close Synaptic. By default all packs are saved in /var/cache/apt/archives.
      4) Restart Synaptic, click the "mark all upgrades" button, and install in the following order:
      5) Install kernels and related first, then reboot and verify that evrything is working OK.
      6) Install all the non-KDE stuff... reboot again and check.
      7) Install the KDE packages.
      8 )If in your previous visit to the forums you had read a lot about problems with a certain app or package (like the latest one concerning kaudiocreator in the 3.5.4 upgrade), uncheck that one(s) and try to install it later so all needed dependencies are already installed.
      9) Keep an eye on Synaptic's terminal output just in case you have to agree with a license or something (as in Sun's java install).

      Of course it's very nice to have a separate /home partition so if something goes kaput, your personal files and settings are safe. A backup to another media is a very good idea too.

      Hope it's useful to someone...

