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2nd hard drive

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    2nd hard drive

    I`ve installed kubuntu 12.04 lts on a 500gb hard hard.

    i`ve got an 80 gb hard installed in my tower i have tried using the KDE partition manager to bring it to life as ext 4, but i cannot paste/save anything into the drive and i just noticed i can`t create a new folder .............please help

    am I correct in assuming that the HD with Kubuntu is the primary drive and you just added the 80Gig drive for storage?

    if so open a root dolphin
    kdesudo dolphin
    and make a new folder in the 80Gig drive (name it whatever you like) now right click it and then property’s,,, on the permissions tab in the window that opens change the owner and group to your user name , now close your root dolphin and do as you please with your new drive.

    if you need the new drive mounted at boot say so .......... that will be a new exercise for after you get this working

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      I have found that ext4 does not do good as a storage drive, for now I am using Fat32 on my storage drive.


        Originally posted by Robtygart View Post
        I have found that ext4 does not do good as a storage drive, for now I am using Fat32 on my storage drive.
        ? and why is that ?

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
          ? and why is that ?

          If I need to use kdesudo every time I want to add or remove a file, that is not really good for a storage drive.

          Do you have any better suggestion then ext4 and fat32? What about ntfs?


            Originally posted by Robtygart View Post
            If I need to use kdesudo every time I want to add or remove a file
            But you don't need to do that if your normal user account has the necessary privileges for that drive.
            "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
            -- Douglas Adams


              Originally posted by HalationEffect View Post
              But you don't need to do that if your normal user account has the necessary privileges for that drive.
              Could you please give some more information on that?


                Originally posted by Robtygart View Post
                If I need to use kdesudo every time I want to add or remove a file, that is not really good for a storage drive.
                you do not half to use kdesudo to access the drive after you make a user space on it the one time
                and you can fill the drive up with stuff in your user space + no other user can access it unless you add them to your group if you so wish .
                ext4 is fine for storage if only linux is going to access the disk , if you duel boot and windows is going to use the space as well then ntfs or fat32 is ok

                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                  Originally posted by Robtygart View Post
                  Could you please give some more information on that?
                  follow the directions I gave .

                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                    you do not half to use kdesudo to access the drive after you make a user space on it the one time
                    and you can fill the drive up with stuff in your user space + no other user can access it unless you add them to your group if you so wish .
                    ext4 is fine for storage if only linux is going to access the disk , if you duel boot and windows is going to use the space as well then ntfs or fat32 is ok

                    Ok I did not know that, I like it. I wish this info was out there more, I have read a few posts with users having the same issue.

                    Thank you Vinny...


                      hi all, thanks for the advice ,i had a play and ntfs works .................and yes it gonna be a storage drive


                        #15 in the FAQs link in my signature has the information you need to add a second internal drive and set the permissions correctly, with an ext4 filesystem. The only reason FAT32 "works" is that it has no ability to handle file permissions. But it is an obsolete filesystem for hard disk drives, and your data are not nearly as secure on that as it would be on ext4.

