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Mat-lab problem

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    Mat-lab problem

    i've got the same problem but when i use:
    kdesudo kate /usr/local/matlabR2010a/install_matlab.out

    then I receive:
    QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
    QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
    QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /root/.config/ibus/bus

    and open window with text message:

    Welcome to the MATLAB NORMAL Install

    Be prepared to provide MATLAB system configuration information for the tasks:
    | ALWAYS DONE - |
    | A1. Create scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory |
    | A2. Generate MATLAB path in $MATLAB/toolbox/local/pathdef.m |
    | A3. Install M-files in $MATLAB/toolbox/local directory |
    | |
    | OPTIONAL (asked first) - |
    | B1. Create symbolic links to scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory |
    | B2. Install the FLEXnet Network License Manager |
    | |
    | ALWAYS DONE (if license manager is installed) - |
    | C1. Create scripts in $MATLAB/etc directory |
    | C3. Create template license.dat file in $MATLAB/etc directory |
    | |
    | OPTIONAL (asked first if license manager is installed) - |
    | C2. Build symbolic links /etc/lmboot_TMW, /etc/lmdown_TMW |

    Verify MATLAB root directory path
    | The MATLAB root directory path has been determined to be: |

    $MATLAB = /usr/local/matlabR2010a

    | Check the MATLAB root directory path carefully! If it is part of: |
    | 1. An AUTOMOUNTED filesystem - the path must force a mount |
    | 2. An AFS filesystem - the path must be read-write |
    | Press <return> if OK. Otherwise, provide the correct pathname below. |

    MATLAB root directory? ([/usr/local/matlabR2010a])

    ---------------------> /usr/local/matlabR2010a

    Update MATLAB

    Working . . .

    Check for obsolete files and delete them (please wait) . . .

    A1. Create scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory

    Creating $MATLAB/bin scripts . . .

    Script Changed? Old Copy in bin/old
    ------ ------- ------------------- (Initial copy)

    A2. Generate MATLAB path in /usr/local/matlabR2010a/toolbox/local/pathdef.m
    Creating MATLAB path . . .

    A3. Install M-files in $MATLAB/toolbox/local directory

    Creating $MATLAB/toolbox/local M-files . . .

    M-file Changed? Old Copy in toolbox/local/old
    ------ ------- -----------------------------
    matlabrc.m (Initial copy)

    B1. Create symbolic links to scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory

    | To make 'matlab' and 'mex' valid commands on your system you have |
    | a choice of: |
    | |
    | [a] Creating symbolic links to the $MATLAB/bin scripts in a |
    | directory of your choice that is already on your UNIX search |
    | path, or |
    | |
    | [b] Adding the $MATLAB/bin directory to your UNIX search path. |

    Do you want to create symbolic links to $MATLAB/bin scripts? ([y]/n) yes

    ! Please specify the full pathname of the ACCESS directory for MATLAB. |
    | |
    | Choose a directory that exists and is appropriate to your needs. |
    | Common example is: /usr/local/bin |
    | |
    | The ACCESS directory will contain the following links to scripts |
    | built by step A1: |
    | |
    | matlab -> $MATLAB/bin/matlab |
    | mex -> $MATLAB/bin/mex |
    | mcc -> $MATLAB/bin/mcc (if you have the MATLAB Compiler) |
    | mbuild -> $MATLAB/bin/mbuild (if you have the MATLAB Compiler) |

    MATLAB access directory? ([/usr/local/bin]) /usr/local/bin

    Linking to $MATLAB/bin scripts . . .

    matlab -> $MATLAB/bin/matlab
    mex -> $MATLAB/bin/mex

    B2. Install the FLEXnet Network License Manager

    License manager executables are missing . . .
    License manager installation skipped . . .

    To install the license manager executables try
    reinstalling the License Manager.
    If you downloaded the products you may need to
    download the matlab.glnxa64 file.

    | Finished! This completes the: |
    | |
    | NORMAL install |
    | |
    | for this host. |

    When I write:
    marta@MARTUS:/usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin$ /usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin/matlab

    then I see this message:
    marta@MARTUS:/usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin$ /usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin/matlab
    /usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin/matlab: 1: /usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin/util/ /lib64/ not found
    Warning: Cannot locate Java Runtime Environment (JRE) . . .

    1. Either a correct JRE was not available for redistribution when
    this release was shipped, in which case you should refer to the
    Release Notes for additional information about how to get it.

    2. Or you have tried to use the MATLAB_JAVA environment variable
    to specify an alternate JRE, but MATLAB cannot find it. Please
    run 'matlab -n' to determine what value you are using for
    MATLAB_JAVA and fix accordingly.

    matlab: No MATLAB bin directory for this machine architecture.

    ARCH = glnxa64

    Please for help.

    Originally posted by braciazgierz2 View Post
    kdesudo kate /usr/local/matlabR2010a/install_matlab.out
    and open window with text message:
    What did you expect to happen? you are opening that file as root in kate, the kde text editor.

    You might also want to open a new thread to discuss what you have done/trying to do rather then reopening an old thread.


      Originally posted by braciazgierz2
      i've got a problem with matlab. I installed R2010a on Kubuntu 1y.10 64bit

      marta@MARTUS:/usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin$ /usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin/matlab
      /usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin/matlab: 1: /usr/local/matlabR2010a/bin/util/ /lib64/ not found
      Explanation of problem:

      sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib64/


        I have some experience with Matlab but I want to know, what are you trying to accomplish? Your post is really confusing!


          Please don't post the same request for assistance in two separate threads. In the "Kde 4.9.4" thread, you ask the same question, and I provided a pointer to some troubleshooting steps and a fix. I will move the information from that thread to this one. Please try the suggested fix and let us know if it works for you.
          Last edited by SteveRiley; Dec 14, 2012, 02:18 PM.

