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I accidentally disabled plasma desktop on startup. How do I fix it?

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    I accidentally disabled plasma desktop on startup. How do I fix it?

    Title pretty much says it. I went to the system settings and accidentally disabled the plasma desktop to autostart. How can I fix it now?

    Thank you for your help.

    PS: I cannot launch it via commandline using plasma-desktop, it gives me an error and says that the initialization of X failed.
    DISPLAY=:0 plasma-desktop doesn't work either

    Originally posted by turff View Post
    PS: I cannot launch it via commandline using plasma-desktop, it gives me an error and says that the initialization of X failed.
    DISPLAY=:0 plasma-desktop doesn't work either
    You should be able to start it like this, so you should find out why you cannot and fix this first. I recommend trying the following first:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get install -f
    sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
    To make sure your system is fully up to date and installed correctly.

    If you still have problems launching it after I suggest creating a new user and see if it works for them, that will tell you if it is a configuration error or not.


      Thank you for the quick answer!
      Last edited by Snowhog; Dec 03, 2012, 02:42 PM.

