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Kubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 p/word in tty1>6 invalid and other problems

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    Kubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 p/word in tty1>6 invalid and other problems

    I have a desktop with 2 hdd's. On the first, dev/sda, I have recently installed Kubuntu 12.04 using a remastersys backup (12.04 was previously on dev/sdb).
    On the second hdd, dev/sdb, I now have a fresh install of Kubuntu 12.10 and Scientific Linux. I am booting everything from the mbr of sda. The bootloader for 12.10 which uses grub2 2.00 was installed to mbr of sdb.

    My problems on both Kubuntus are sa follows:-

    1. When I ctrl+alt+F1(>F6) my password is not recognised. FAILED LOGIN (1) on '/dev/tty1' FOR 'severin', Authentication failure. (Many lines of @@@@).
    I checked but no luck. I also tried changing my password.
    Also, sudo service kdm restart && exit takes me to tty terminal with the same problem as above.

    2. Screensaver does not activate. I have read the numerous posts here but no luck. Works when I click 'test' and from terminal, qdbus org.kde.screensaver /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.SetActive true
    Not too serious as I can simply tun off the display at the monitor.

    Strange indeed, especially 1. above as I had no problem with either screensaver or the tty's when Kubuntu 12.04 was still on dev/sda.
    Even more confusing is that I have these problems also on the clean install of Kubuntu 12.10 on sdb.

    Any ideas much appreciated.


    You did an update-grub from sda after the switch?
    GigaByte GA-965G-DS3, Core2Duo at 2.1 GHz, 4 GB RAM, ASUS DRW-24B1ST, LiteOn iHAS 324 A, NVIDIA 7300 GS, 500 GB and 80 GB WD HDD


      Originally posted by luckyone View Post
      You did an update-grub from sda after the switch?
      I placed 2 entries in 40_custom so needed to update-grub anyway. Booting is not the problem, it's just that tty's don't accept my password.
      Maybe this is due to grub2 2.00 in Quantal and grub2 1.99 in Precise (from which I am booting) having one or the other conflict, but I really have
      absolutely no idea.
      I also noticed that the entries in the menus of some apps (Opera,Klipper,Rekonq) can sometimes not be selected/highlighted - there is a hesitant flickering when
      passing over with the mouse, disabling effects does not help and also not a nvidia card issue as my other OS on sdb has no probs.
      Will check some more ..


        I have now found that the problems described previously are due to the mouse. I know this because everything is fine with an old Logitech mouse I had stored at the back of my cupboard.
        The question now is what to do ?
        The problematic mouse is part of a Microsoft Wirelesss Comfort Desktop 5000 ( i.e. mouse and keyboard). It works off usb (Microsoft 2.4 GHz Transceiver v.6.0).
        Some kernel update may have caused the problem, as it is a new thing and I don't experience the symptoms mentioned before in Scientific Linux 6.3 on my sdb.
        Here is what nvidia settings says, Kubuntu and Sc. Linux ......

        Kubuntu 12.04/12.10 >>
        Section "InputDevice"
            # generated from default
            Identifier     "Mouse0"
            Driver         "mouse"
            Option         "Protocol" "auto"
            Option         "Device" "/dev/psaux"
            Option         "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
            Option         "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Section "InputDevice"
            # generated from default
            Identifier     "Keyboard0"
            Driver         "kbd"
        Scientific Linux 6.3 >>
        Section "InputDevice"
            # generated from default
        	Identifier  "Mouse0"
        	Driver      "mouse"
        	Option	    "Protocol" "auto"
        	Option	    "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
        	Option	    "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
        	Option	    "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Section "InputDevice"
            # generated from data in "/etc/sysconfig/keyboard"
        	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
        	Driver      "kbd"
        	Option	    "XkbLayout" "us"
        	Option	    "XkbModel" "pc105"
        In System Settings Input Devices I have for the keyboard Generic | Generic 101-key PC. Would I need to perhaps change the keyboard model there ?

        I hope I don't need to fork out for a new keyboard/mouse.


          All live cd's with kernels 3.2.0-23 or higher display the same problem i.e. mouse flickering when hovering over certain menus making selection in some cases impossible.
          Most noticeable in Opera and Klipper.
          By now I have probably tried all I can think of, including setting nomodeset as an additional boot parameter and increasing the monitor refresh rate.
          Nothing doing. I am fast losing faith in all the 'Buntus. Thank the powers that be, my Scientific Linux install is fine and allows me to do my work without nasty mishaps.
          My only slim hope is that one or other kernel update will resolve the problem, otherwise Windows will find a home on my disk.
          My wife is smiling all the way as she has none of this nonsense on her 64 bit laptop running Xubuntu 12.04. Some people have all the luck it seems.
          BTW. The old Logitech mouse I thought was OK turned out not to be.
          PS. Have also tried the 3.10 nvidia driver but still the same problem.
          Now on an old laptop running 32 bit Xubuntu 12.04 with the kernel 3.2.0-34 and using the same transceiver and mouse there are no problems.
          I am now going to try the Kubuntu 32 bit 12.04.1 LTS on my 64 bit machine to see whether the problem can be solved that way. I will check with the live cd first.
          If all is well I will install over my existing 12.04.1 64 bit Kubuntu and then decide what to do with the 12.10 on sdb.


            OK, I removed 12.10 and then did a clean install of 12.04. The mouse flickering is gone and was due to the Forma N window decoration. Right after installing Forma N, the flickering began. Back to Oxygen and all's well on that front.
            I had to use the nomodeset kernel line parameter to boot from live cd and later when the install completed and I had to restart. Jockey-kde didn't start and i installed the nvidia driver current from the package manager, then did all updates. After that clicking on 'Additional Drivers' brought up jockey and correctly showed the installed nvidia driver.
            System is fast and responsive.
            However my password in the tty terminal(s) 1>6 is still invalid. I can get into recovery console by selecting it on boot-up. Have noticed in grub.cfg that nomodeset has been added for the recovery kernel line. Is this OK ?
            I hope I am not talking to myself in this thread, but thank you for your patience.
            Last edited by Snowhog; Dec 09, 2012, 10:46 AM.


              Originally posted by weha View Post
              However my password in the tty terminal(s) 1>6 is still invalid. I can get into recovery console by selecting it on boot-up. Have noticed in grub.cfg that nomodeset has been added for the recovery kernel line. Is this OK ?tt
              I hope I am not talking to myself in this thread, but thank you for your patience.
              well you are typing to your self but it is probably because it is such a uncommon set of problems and we are waiting to see what you find for a solution,,,, it is nice to see that you got the mouse flickering figured out and that it was just due to a theme acting strangely, (that theme works ok @hear) .

              the TTY thing is very unusual and I dont think I have ever heard of it before.
              lets see,,,,,,you switch to a TTY ctrl+alt+F6 ,, type your login name (user name) press enter ,,,,type password press enter ,and it tells you wrong password?

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                well you are typing to your self but it is probably because it is such a uncommon set of problems and we are waiting to see what you find for a solution,,,, it is nice to see that you got the mouse flickering figured out and that it was just due to a theme acting strangely, (that theme works ok @hear) .

                the TTY thing is very unusual and I dont think I have ever heard of it before.
                lets see,,,,,,you switch to a TTY ctrl+alt+F6 ,, type your login name (user name) press enter ,,,,type password press enter ,and it tells you wrong password?

                Yes, Vinny, that's right. It goes something like this:-

                For login I enter username, but when I enter password I get something like this:-

                Password_ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
                @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@login failed@@@@@@@@@@@@

                and from the log file:-

                pam_unix(login:auth): authentication failure; logname=LOGIN uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/tty2 ruser= rhost= user=severin

                09/12/2012 14:00:08 severin-desktop login[2501] FAILED LOGIN (1) on '/dev/tty2' FOR 'severin', Authentication failure

                09/12/2012 14:00:16 severin-desktop login[2501] FAILED LOGIN (2) on '/dev/tty2' FOR 'UNKNOWN', Authentication failure

                The only ref. to invalid tty login I could find so far is this one concerning Numlock.

                PS. mouse still fine with Oxygen and Air. My favourite theme 'Naked' used in 12.04 before, also causes flickering.
                Otherwise 12.04 is fine low memory usage of around 520 MB after several hours uptime, and low cpu load.
                Damn, spoke to soon, just had the flickering with Oxygen ! As before it only affects some menus. Maybe I will try another download and burn, and also try another OS to see whether the problem recurs.
                Last edited by weha; Dec 10, 2012, 02:57 AM.


                  What language (System Settings > Locale > Country/Region & Language > Languages > Preferred Languages:) are you using? And, also, what (if any) System Languages (System Settings > Locale > System Languages > Set System Language) is set?
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                    What language (System Settings > Locale > Country/Region & Language > Languages > Preferred Languages:) are you using? And, also, what (if any) System Languages (System Settings > Locale > System Languages > Set System Language) is set?
                    Country: South Africa
                    Languages: American English
                    No Preferred Languages

                    Haven't got around to delving further will do so 'in due course'


                      Just an update. The problems described in this thread are not unique to Kubuntu 12.04 and 12.10. Fresh installs of Linux Mint Xfce 64 bit as well as Xubuntu 64 bit all have the same problem.
                      It looks as though my hardware is incompatible with these newer kernels. Only the red hat clone Scientific Linux 6.3 64 bit runs rock solid and smooth as butter. It of course uses the old 2.6x kernels.
                      There are absolutely no problems with any of the distros mentioned on my wife's 64 bit Dell laptop. Yeah, it's only me.


                        It all boils down to the Microsoft mouse/keyboard blue track with 2.4Ghz usb transceiver. Plugged it into wife's laptop and the problem
                        then manifests itself there as well. So, it does appear that one of the kernel or other updates caused the incompatibility with this mouse/keyboard

                        In view of the above can anyone recommend a mouse/keyboard combo that works flawlessly with their Kubuntu 12.04/12.10 systems ? Probably best to avoid
                        blue track and Microsoft ?

                        Waiting with bated breath.

                        I will give this Logitech a try. It seems to be the only one that states Linux compatibility for kernels 2.6 and above. It's very cheap and is available locally.
                        Will report back.
                        Last edited by weha; Dec 26, 2012, 06:32 AM. Reason: Wrong spelling of 'bated' :)


                          Give up on a wireless mouse/keyboard. Why struggle with it? It's a desktop PC, meaning that it's where you are working anyway. Go with a connected keyboard and mouse. The only reason that you might need one is if you were using the keyboard from your couch and using your TV as the monitor.
                          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                            What if you try your wireless keyboard/mouse without that xorg.conf? Ubuntu hasn't needed that for quite some time now.


                              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                              What if you try your wireless keyboard/mouse without that xorg.conf? Ubuntu hasn't needed that for quite some time now.
                              I'm afraid that makes no difference. I am driving into town tomorrow and will buy the Logitech combo I referred to in my last post. It's basic and not expensive,
                              and the specs state under system requirements that linux kernels 2.6 and higher are supported. If all goes well, I will once again be a happy Kubuntu user.
                              ( I never had unsolvable problems/niggles with 12.04 from end April 2012 to about November 20th 2012 when this mouse nonsense manifested itself.
                              Holding thumbs that the retailer has stocks of the Logitech MK120.
                              Last edited by weha; Dec 28, 2012, 02:21 AM.

